Poll shows broad support for Trump's plan to deport illegal migrants

 June 14, 2024

Former President Trump has made talking about America's ongoing migrant crisis a significant part of his reelection campaign, and the issue appears to be gaining traction.

A new poll released this week suggests that despite being condemned by media elites, one of Trump proposals to address the problem enjoys broad public support. 

Almost two-thirds of voters back mass deportation of illegal migrants

According to The Federalist, a CBS News/YouGov survey carried out between June 5 and June 7 shows 62% of voters favor the mass deportation of illegal immigrants.

Unsurprisingly, the idea is most popular with Republicans, 88% of whom support it. However, large scale deportations are also backed by 60% of independent voters and even 38% of Democrats.

What's more, the poll also found that 62% of voters believe local law enforcement officers should be empowered to identify those who are in the country illegally.

When asked how each candidate would affect illegal immigration, 70% said Trump would reduce the problem while 49% thought electing Biden would make it worse.

Number of foreign-born residents has reached a record high since Biden took office

Fox News noted last month how a study released by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) last month concluded that America's foreign-born population hit a record high of 51.6 million in March.

The study asserted that some 5.1 million people entered the country between March 2022 and March 2024, representing the largest jump in U.S. history.

"Although many think of immigrants only as workers, less than half of those who arrived since 2022 are employed," the report stated.

"If present trends continue, the foreign-born population will reach 62.5 million in 2030 and 82.2 million by 2040 – larger than the current combined populations of 30 states plus the District of Columbia," it went on to add.

Voters more likely to trust Trump over Biden on the economy

In addition to favoring Trump on immigration and border issues, the CBS News/YouGov poll also found that voters are more likely to trust him when it comes to handling the economy.

Forty-two percent thought the former president's policies will make them better off whereas 31% said his program is likely to harm them. Another 26% expected that their circumstances will remain the same.

By contrast, just 16% believed they would be better off in a second Biden term while 48% predicted that they would be in worse shape. Thirty-six percent felt that his reelection would make no difference to their finances.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson