CNN analyst says Trump has 'a decent chance' of getting Georgia case thrown out

 August 28, 2024

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis made headlines last year when she indicted former President Donald Trump and a number of associates on racketeering charges over their conduct following the 2020 election.

Yet as the Daily Caller pointed out, CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig recently suggested that a Georgia appeals court may toss out the case.  

Willis accused defendants of racism

"I think Trump has a decent chance on getting this case thrown out. And the focus of the brief that was filed last night, it’s important to remember, it’s not on the conflict of interest," Honig said on Tuesday.

"Remember, the DA Fani Willis had this relationship with one of the lawyers. Did they intermingle their cash or not?" he continued.

"The focus here is on alleged prosecutorial misconduct by Fani Willis because, you'll remember, she went in front of a church outside of court and made public statements blasting the defense lawyers, essentially accusing them of being racist," Honig noted.

Wade's estranged wife produced bank statements

Allegations of racism were put forward by the district attorney during a speech at Atlanta's Big Bethel AME Church this past January.

Specifically, Willis maintained that defendants only made an issue of her decision to hire her boyfriend Nathan Wade because he is African American.

Fox News reported earlier this year that bank statements produced by Wade's then-estranged wife, Joycelyn Wade, show he purchased plane tickets to Miami and San Francisco for himself and Willis.

Joycelyn Wade's attorney was quoted as saying that there "appears to be no reasonable explanation for their travels apart from a romantic relationship."

"I think Trump's got a real leg to stand on there"

"Donald Trump’s claim here is that tainted the jury pool. The people who are going to be my juror and the jurors for the other defendants here all saw that and that’s going to incline them against us," Honig explained.

"And I think Trump's got a real leg to stand on there. It wouldn't at all shock me if the Georgia court of appeals agrees and says prosecutorial misconduct, this case is out," the legal analyst stated.

"When you talk about a case outside of a court as a prosecutor, you have to be really careful … When you start assailing the motives and suggesting that the defendants or the defense lawyers are racist, you are in really dangerous territory," he said.

"The DA should know that," Honig remarked as he drew to a close. "She's an accomplished prosecutor. She’s been doing this for a long time. It’s still astonishing to me that she would have done what she did and now there may be consequences."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson