Mission Statement

The Conservative Institute exists to provide a platform for well-reasoned, well-written, and well-distributed articles and columns defending conservative values.

At the time of our founding, there exist only two types of conservative publications: popular-but-misleading and honest-but-boring.

Our goal is to ignore the mistakes made by both types of publications and instead create well-written, popular commentary that can help people understand the conservative narrative.

Our Approach

One of the biggest problems in political activism is that a feedback loop exists between media organizations and the “base” of activists that make up the foundational readers. Because the readers want to read content that says a certain thing, the media organizations only say simplified versions of that certain thing – and a blind feedback loop is created.

CI is different. We believe in focusing on content distribution that is less short-term oriented and allows us to say what needs to be said regardless of who is offended – even if that means sometimes disagreeing with the base or Republican leadership.

Our Beliefs

The fundamental value of CI is an open discussion. In other words, our goal is to help ensure that the political conversation in America isn’t lopsided towards the politically correct or mindless populism. Right now, nearly all content created falls under those two categories.

Our political values can be summarized as the pillar principles of a strong society. We believe in natural morality, slow and gradual conservative reform, maximizing prosperity, never compromising on security, and pursuing individual justice in every area of life.
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson