Secret Service releases statement after armed man was able to approach Obama's motorcade

 September 26, 2024

Former President Barack Obama reportedly had a security scare on the way to a restaurant in Los Angeles, reports indicated. 

According to the Daily Mail, Obama's motorcade was reportedly approached by an "armed man" while the former president was riding in a black SUV en route to an L.A. restaurant.

Early reports suggested that the Secret Service detail in charge of protection were responsible for a "security lapse" in allowing the armed man to get that close to the former president.

As it would turn out, the armed individual was a security guard in charge of security for the bar mitzvah Obama was en route to.

What happened?

The armed man said that he was checking on the vehicles as part of his security duties for the event when he ultimately approached the black government vehicle and snapped several photos.

He quickly realized that the former president was sitting inside the vehicle, and quickly walked away so as to not be perceived as a threat by Secret Service given he was armed at the time.

The armed guard's account of what happened was all but dismissed by the Secret Service, as the agency responded to accusations that they allowed an armed individual to get too close to Obama.

"The Secret Service cannot provide the details on our means and methods of protection, but we can confirm that at no time were any Secret Service protectees in the vehicle while the individual was walking down the alleyway," the agency said in a statement.

The agency added, "These claims are inaccurate."

Security lapse

The security guard said he was later asked by his superior for his credentials and firearm permit, suggesting that the Secret Service was interested in following up on the situation, even though it essentially denied that it happened.

The security guard said he interacted with the agents on Obama's detail, noting that he believes, "they were obviously embarrassed by the situation."

The guard described the situation as a "lapse" on the part of the Secret Service.

In recent months, the federal agency has been under increasing scrutiny and pressure to not make mistakes in protecting current and former presidents. The last thing it needs is for an armed individual to be able to walk up to a vehicle with a former president inside.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson