Joe Biden Does Interview With MSNBC's Morning Joe, Quickly Devolves Into Rambling Mess

 July 9, 2024

President Joe Biden surprised Democrats by doing a rare interview with MSNBC's Morning Joe where amid some incoherent rambling he dared critics to run against him at the DNC's convention next month.

During the interview, Biden bizarrely attacked his critics as out-of-touch elites while laughing off all concerns about his horrific debate performance which demonstrated how far Biden's health has declined.

That wasn't good enough for Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski who pressed Biden by asking him if he had been tested for pre-Parkinson's or other neurological diseases.

Biden responded by saying, "I had before. I was feeling so badly before the debate,' he said. 'When I came back, they tested me before. I thought maybe I had COVID. Maybe there was something wrong ... I had an infection or something."

No clear answers

However, Biden added that, "They tested me they gave me those tests. I was clear. But I had a bad night." So his debate performance that shocked the nation so far has yet to be explained.

The Democrat Party has been in chaos since the debate with one faction wanting Biden to step aside and another rallying to support Biden despite his apparent mental decline.

While the White House has firmly denied that Biden's mental faculties are a concern, the debate has let the cat out of the bag. President Biden, who is 81 years old, is suffering from neurological decline and can barely function in the evenings.

While Biden laughs off his critics and insists that he doesn't need to step down, former President Donald Trump has taken full advantage of this crisis.

Trump gaining more ground

A Daily Mail poll found that Trump shot ahead of Biden by six points following the debate and the momentum is fulling on the GOP's side in all the down-ballot races.

Biden was a controversial candidate before with many radical elements of the Democrat Party already unhappy with him for supporting Israel in its war against the terrorist organization Hamas.

But now with Biden's apparent mental decline and the subsequent infighting, enthusiasm for Democrats continues to slow. While there is plenty of time before November's election, Democrats need to do something quick to right the ship.

No other options

Even if Biden would step aside, Democrats don't really have any suitable replacements for him. Vice President Kamala Harris is the first name on the list but she comes with a host of problems and might even be a worse candidate.

Other names like California Governor Gavin Newsom and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer have been thrown around but they have significant hurdles and Newsom insists that he isn't interested in running for president, yet.

Republicans have been talking about Biden's mental state for years but Democrats insisted that talk of the president's health was all rooted in baseless conspiracy theories. Now Republicans have been vindicated and Democrats have to win an election with an octogenarian who belongs in hospice care.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson