DNC may nominate Biden virtually this month, despite critics' hesitation

 July 17, 2024

President Joe Biden could bring even less of a showing then previously thought, should the campaign plan to have him nominated go forward.

While it might not seem possible that the aging president could do less, or perform worse, on the campaign trail, The New York Post reports that Biden could be nominated before the Democratic National Convention even begins.

According to The Post's reporting, delegates are using electronic voting to potentially nominate President Biden for a second term as early as this month.

From Inside the Party

Critics perceive this as an attempt to rush him through the nomination process.

The idea of electronic delegate voting had been broached before to the 81-year-old president's dismal performance in the June 27 debate versus Donald Trump.

A number of party heavyweights believe his camp is trying to push things along quickly, while his detractors are putting the brakes on to give him more time to step aside, and details surrounding the schedule are just now beginning to take shape.

Two individuals within the Democratic National Committee informed The Post that officially, online voting has not been set to begin until "mid-July."

Internal Discord

However, one of these sources did say that internal discussions on the date of a vote had already begun.

A number of House Democrats who are opposed to Biden seeking reelection have sent a letter asking for a postponement of the vote.

According to the insiders, they have heard rumors that the voting might start as early as July 21, which is earlier than the period of July 29 to August 5 that was reported by Axios.

The outlet previously published an unsigned copy of the draft letter with the candidate's signature.

From The Letter

“There is no legal justification for this extraordinary and unprecedented action which would effectively accelerate the nomination process by nearly a month,” says the draft letter.

The letter came to light one day after former President Trump, Biden's competitor was formally made his party’s presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

When the proposal for electronic voting was first conceived, it was with the intention of ensuring that the Democratic ticket would be established in time for the deadline of August 7 in Ohio for its ballot in November.

Biden's detractors, on the other hand, claim that this action precludes a more comprehensive discussion of the president's mental and physical health in advance of the Democratic National Convention, which will take place in Chicago from August 19-22.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson