Biden will propose term limits, other reforms to Supreme Court: Report

 July 28, 2024

President Joe Biden railed against the Supreme Court earlier this month after it ruled that a president's official acts enjoy a presumption of immunity from criminal prosecution.

Yet Biden is moving beyond mere verbal condemnation, with Reuters reporting that he will target the Court for reform. 

Plan will include term limits, ethics code, and constitutional amendment

According to Reuters, Biden will demand term limits for Supreme Court justices along with an enforceable code of ethics.

The president is also expected to put forward a constitutional amendment which will limit criminal immunity for presidents and other public officials.

The president previously advocated for Supreme Court reform last week when he gave an Oval Office address announcing that he will not seek another term in the White House.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to put more justices on bench

The prospect of adding more left-leaning members to America's highest judicial body is being welcomed by many Democrats, including Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

"We’re working on changes to the Supreme Court," Mediate quoted Warren as saying during an interview with CNN host Jake Tapper on Sunday.

"It can be term limits. It could be adding the number of justices, things we can do without having to have a constitutional amendment," she explained.

The Democratic lawmaker went on to complain that "we've got a Supreme Court that is actively undermining our democracy."

Sen. Lindsey Graham says Biden's plan "will be dead on arrival"

However, The Hill reported that South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham told CBS News host Robert Costa he will oppose any such move.

"No, because he wants to destroy the court," Graham said when Costa asked if he would work with Biden on any Supreme Court reform proposals. "They want to pack the court. They want … to undercut the conservative court."

"They've tried to marginalize the court and destroy the Roberts court. The Roberts court has brought constitutional balance back to the court, and the liberals in this country want to pack the court. They want to destroy the court," he insisted.

"So their initiatives coming from Biden will be dead on arrival in the Senate," the Republican senator promised. "They have no desire to make the court better. They're just trying to make it more liberal."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson