Elizabeth Warren says Kamala Harris will create 'a pathway to citizenship' for migrants

 July 29, 2024

The White House has attempted to downplay Vice President Kamala Harris's has attempted to downplay her failure to control illegal immigrantion while serving as border czar.

However, that effort may have been blindsided on Sunday when one prominent Democrat suggested Harris will create a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens. 

Elizabeth Warren says Harris will pursue immigration reform

According to the New York Post, that claim was made on Sunday by Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren during an appearance on CNN's "State of the Union."

"Recognize — and I know that Kamala Harris knows this — this is a problem that ultimately has to be solved by Congress. I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship," Warren was quoted as saying.

"All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done," she continued.

"It's really a question of, who do you trust on the border. Do you trust someone who has actually been a prosecutor, who has been there in a border state, who works with Congress toward a solution? Or do you trust someone who says, you know chaos is politically helpful to him," the senator added.

J.D. Vance: "Kamala wants to give mass amnesty"

Those remarks were quickly seized upon by Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance, who is serving as former President Donald Trump's running mate.

"Elizabeth Warren is so excited to elect Border Czar Kamala Harris because she knows Kamala wants to give mass amnesty to millions of illegal aliens," Vance wrote in a post on X.

The Republican lawmaker went on to complain that "Kamala's extreme border policies are fundamentally anti-American."

Former Trump White House advisor Stephen Miller spoke up in a post of his own, writing, "If you listen to this clip, you can hear Team Harris explicitly making 2 campaign promises."

Eight million illegal aliens have entered since Biden took office

"1. Uncapped taxpayer support for newly-imported illegal migrants 2. US Citizenship for illegals arriving from 150+ nations—which means voting rights, welfare and chain migration," he declared.

Florida Republican Party chairman Evan Power offered an even more blunt assessment, declaring, "Translation: they need voters."

The Post cited Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) figures which show that some 8 million migrants have entered the United States since President Joe Biden took office.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson