Democrat infighting preceded Harris running mate decision

 August 6, 2024

According to reports from the New York Times, Democrat infighting preceded Vice President and Democrat nominee Kamala Harris's running mate decision of Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota. 

The Times said that Harris's campaign hit an "ugly phase" in the leadup to the decision, with many wanting Harris to pick a radical left candidate like Walz while others thought one that was perceived as more moderate and from a swing state, like Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania.

The far left of the party reacted strongly last week when an anonymous Harris campaign spokesperson tried to walk back at least four radical policy positions Harris has supported.

Those included a federal job guarantee for anyone who wants to work, support for single payer health insurance, a fracking ban, and requiring people to sell their assault weapons back to the government.

Impossible to know

Harris has not yet confirmed these positions, so it's impossible to know what she's actually going to support officially.

She's managed to avoid all interviews since the party coronated her after President Joe Biden stepped down, which the Times thinks is part of the attempt to adjust her positions to be more palatable to the overall voting public.

Eventually, though, she is going to have to say something, and that's when it's all going to fall apart.

First of all, she is radical so if she suddenly starts spouting moderate viewpoints, it's coming to come across as totally fake.

Next, she doesn't sound good no matter what comes out of her mouth, which will not endear her to voters or give people confidence in her leadership ability.

A lot of people will no doubt want to see the first woman president elected, especially a woman of color, but Harris is not the right woman of color. She's just incompetent, and it shows.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson