Trump credits son Barron with setting up viral interview

 August 7, 2024

Donald Trump gave his son Barron all the credit for arranging his viral interview with Gen Z streamer Adin Ross, which grabbed millions of hits on social media. 

Trump showed off his common touch in the hour-long interview, which concluded with Ross gifting him a customized Tesla Cybertruck.

"Wow! That's an Elon. Beautiful," Trump said as he walked outside Mar-A-Lago to see the truck.

Trump's viral interview

The truck was decorated with an American flag and the iconic photo of Trump raising his fist after surviving an assassination attempt.

Trump and Ross spent an hour discussing various topics, the conversation ranging from illegal immigration and the decline of the American dream to banter about famous personalities.

Ross invited Trump to share his instant reaction to images of public figures, with Trump describing himself as a "patriot" and Musk as a "genius."

Trump compared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Ny.) to the charismatic Argentinian politician Eva Peron and called Ross "outstanding."

"To do what you have done at a young age, and I know how old you suit is older than you are," Trump joked.

Later, Trump gave Ross and Barron a shoutout on Truth.

"Wow!!! Adin Ross Interview yesterday exploded, but in a very positive way!" Trump wrote on Truth Social. "Platform set an all time record, by far, with over 100 million Views/Hits."

"Congratulations to Adin and his wonderful mother, father, and family, who I had the pleasure to meet" Trump added. "Thank you also to Barron Trump for the introduction to your friend, Adin."

"'Young people are the future of America. those numbers are really big 'stuff!''

Donald shows off music taste

The interview was an opportunity for Trump to reach young people, a demographic that traditionally votes left. Ross has millions of followers online, among them Trump's 18-year-old son.

"My son's told me about you," Trump told Ross. "He said 'dad, he's really big.'''

Trump and Ross finished their hangout by playing some of Trump's favorite music in the Cybertruck.

"Aren't the Beatles always good? Rolling Stones are always good," Trump said. "We like the Beach Boys. We always like the Beach Boys. Who doesn't like the Beach Boys?" Trump asked.

Trump put on "California Dreamin'" by the Mama and the Papas, as he expressed hope that the Golden State will recover from its decline when it gets under "proper management."

Targeting his message to young people, Trump pledged that he would bring the American Dream back.

"We're going to give you the American dream, and you're going to be real happy," he said.

The interview received half a million live streams at its peak, also getting millions of replays on other social media platforms.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson