Kamala Harris Reportedly Will Push For 28% Corporate Tax Rate, Tax Burden Will Be Passed To Consumers

 August 20, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris reportedly is going to advocate for a 28% corporate tax rate, something she supported in her failed 2020 presidential campaign.

Harris's plan is in line with the same tax rate proposed by President Joe Biden in his 2025 budget released this year. Democrats are dead set on raising the corporate tax rate, which they say will hold corporations accountable.

However, corporate tax is just a roundabout way of raising taxes on the public as corporations pass on all tax burdens to consumers.

The rate is down to 21% thanks to former President Donald Trump who dropped the rate down from 35% in 2017.

In other words, Trump reduced Americans tax burdens by 14% and Harris and the Democrat Party are desperately trying to reverse that.

Harris Is Bad News For Americans

Kamala Harris has kept her policy platform under wraps and some Democrats want her to keep her platform hidden until after the election. This is obviously because her platform is unelectable and Democrats need her in office before they can get to work.

Harris's campaign spokesperson James Singer issued a statement saying, "As President, Kamala Harris will focus on creating an opportunity economy for the middle class that advances their economic security, stability, and dignity."

Singer's statement didn't end there as he said, "Unlike Donald Trump, whose extreme Project 2025 agenda would drive up the deficit, increase taxes on the middle class by $3,900, and send our economy spiraling into recession — her plan is a fiscally responsible way to put money back in the pockets of working people and ensure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share."

Harris claims that Trump will raise taxes by nearly $4,000 but she wants to hike the corporate tax rate by double digits.

The Tax Foundation reported that "Raising the corporate income tax rate to 28 percent is the largest driver of the negative effects, reducing long-run GDP by 0.6 percent, the capital stock by 1.1 percent, wages by 0.5 percent, and full-time equivalent jobs by 128,000."

So double the rate back to the pre-Trump 35% and suddenly wages, GDP, and jobs are all getting slashed.

The reason Harris and Democrats want to ratchet rates back up is that it will bring in trillions. The Democrat Party wants to plunder the taxpayer in order to pay for extremely expensive leftist wishlist items, none of which will benefit regular Americans.

Authoritarian Economics

Harris isn't just planning on raising taxes on all Americans, she is also planning on putting on Soviet-style price controls to combat rising inflation.

That rising inflation was actually caused by the Biden administration's insane spending which Harris was an active participant in. So Harris's own solution to the problem she created is communist price controls.

Price controls objectively do not work and many Democrats have been sounding the alarm about Harris's plan. Even mainstream media outlets which are notoriously biased in favor of Democrats have panned Harris's communist mask-off moment.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson