Investigation reveals then-Speaker Pelosi's motorcade drove past Jan. 6 DNC bomb before it was fully disabled

 August 30, 2024

On January 6, 2021, around the same time that a protest at the U.S. Capitol building devolved into a riot, a pair of pipe bombs were reportedly discovered near the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee headquarters.

It has now been revealed that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) motorcade traveled in close proximity to the bomb at the DNC before law enforcement had finished disabling the explosive device, The New York Times reported.

That apparent close call occurred just a few hours after then-Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' motorcade similarly drove right past the then-undiscovered pipe bomb while entering the DNC's parking garage.

Pelosi's motorcade drove past DNC bomb while it was disabled

The Republican-led House Administration Committee's Oversight Subcommittee has been reviewing and filling in the gaps left by the now-defunct Democrat-led Jan. 6 House Select Committee's overtly partisan investigation of the Capitol riot that focused almost exclusively on former President Donald Trump and all but ignored the pipe bombs discovered that same day outside the DNC and RNC headquarters in Washington D.C.

According to The Times, the subcommittee just released previously unseen video and analysis that reveals how then-Speaker Pelosi's motorcade passed "within a few hundred feet" of the bomb at the DNC before it had been rendered completely inoperable and safe by law enforcement.

Per video footage from Capitol Police, surveillance cameras, and an unaired documentary filmed by Pelosi's daughter, it was determined that Pelosi's motorcade, after evacuating her from the besieged Capitol building, was permitted to pass police barricades and travel through a purported security perimeter while the DNC bomb was still being worked on.

In their defense, police claim that the bomb had been largely rendered safe and posed little danger by the time Pelosi's motorcade went past, roughly five minutes before the explosive device was declared fully inoperable.

Harris' motorcade drove past DNC bomb before it was discovered

Just a couple of hours before then-Speaker Pelosi's motorcade drove "within a few hundred feet" of the unexploded pipe bomb at the DNC on Jan. 6, 2021, then-VP-elect Harris' motorcade drove "within several yards" of that same device as she entered the DNC's parking garage, according to a January 2022 CNN report.

Harris entered the DNC around 11:30 am ET. At the same time, the bomb was not discovered -- despite supposed security sweeps earlier with a bomb-detecting canine -- until shortly after 1 pm. At that point, Harris was evacuated from the building via a different route.

Both the Secret Service and White House declined to comment for that CNN report, and the network noted at the time that "The fact that Harris was so close to potential danger for that period of time raises additional questions about the security measures in place to protect her."

Law enforcement failed to secure perimeter around DNC, RNC bombs

Indeed, the subcommittee's initial findings report, issued in March of this year, raised some serious questions about how the discovery and disarming of the DNC and RNC pipe bombs were handled by federal and local law enforcement.

In addition to wondering why it took so long to discover the explosive devices -- to say nothing of the fact that the individual who planted them remains unknown and at large despite being caught on video -- the subcommittee exposed that law enforcement failed to maintain a secure perimeter around the bombs once they had been located.

That failure allowed not just then-Speaker Pelosi to breach the perimeter but also hundreds, if not thousands, of unwitting pedestrians, motorists, and train commuters to pass dangerously close to the unexploded devices but also potentially contaminate and disrupt the crime scene amid an ongoing investigation.

"The perimeter that was set up around the DNC -- it looked chaotic because it was chaotic," Capitol Police Assistant Chief Sean Gallagher admitted during testimony before the subcommittee in March, per The Times. "We were dealing with a pipe bomb a couple blocks away at the RNC. We were dealing with a pickup truck that had 11 Molotov cocktails, machetes, rifles, handguns, ammunition in it. And at the same time, our officers were suffering injuries on the west front of the Capitol. It was mentioned that we didn’t have enough Capitol Police officers. We did not."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson