Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp suggests he may join Trump on the campaign trail

 August 30, 2024

For the past several years, Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp has had a somewhat rocky relationship with former President Donald Trump.

Yet in a move which few expected, Kemp recently suggested that he may be joining Trump's campaign team. 

Kemp says he will "work hard for the whole ticket here in Georgia"

According to the Washington Examiner, Kemp's remarks were made during an appearance this week on Fox News's "Fox and Friends."

"Well, we’ll see how that plays out. I know they got a busy schedule," Kemp said when asked about the prospect of campaigning alongside the former president.

"We're going to continue to work hard for the whole ticket here in Georgia. We gotta win. We gotta win. That’s the bottom line," Kemp declared.

When asked about his previous friction with Trump, Kemp said, "Well, look, there was a little distraction, obviously, on their side when it came to Georgia."

Trump thanks Kemp "for all of your help and support"

"But to me, that's in the past," he insisted. "I have been saying that, guys, literally for over a year now, that I was going to support our nominee. That we had to win Georgia. The road to the White House runs through Georgia."

"And I still believe today we cannot afford four more years of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden," the governor asserted. "It's not about me. And as former President Trump says a lot, it's not about him. It's about our country."

Kemp's comments came just over a week after Fox News reported that Trump voiced words of praise for Kemp in a post on Truth Social.

"Thank you to [Brian Kemp] for all of your help and support in Georgia, where a win is so important to the success of our Party and, most importantly, our Country," he wrote.

"I look forward to working with you, your team, and all of my friends in Georgia to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" the former president added.

Lindsay Graham and J.D. Vance helped mend relationship

The Associated Press reported that South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham played a key role in brokering peace between Trump and Kemp.

"You’re not going to win Georgia this way. And Georgia is yours to lose," Graham was quoted as telling Trump days after he had attacked Kemp and his wife at a rally.

Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance is Trump's running mate, and is said to have approached Kemp, pointing out how the two men "agree on 90% of the things."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson