Democrats, media launch full partisan assault on Trump following visit with Gold Star families to Arlington National Cemetery

 August 31, 2024

The liberal media has proven time and again that they will ruthlessly attack former President Donald Trump over anything and everything, often by taking incidents out of context or unnecessarily politicizing them.

The most recent example is Trump's visit Monday to Arlington National Cemetery to honor the 13 U.S. service member victims of the Abbey Gate bombing in Kabul during the chaotic 2021 withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, as reported with overt bias by The Atlantic.

Trump, who was invited to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony by some of the Gold Star families on the third anniversary of the arguably avoidable tragedy, is accused by Democrats and the media of violating the sanctity of the cemetery by taking photos with the families near the graves of their slain loved ones, among other allegations.

Media on the attack

By virtually all accounts of those who were there, former President Trump and a contingent of current and former members of Congress who are military veterans and accompanied him there were nothing short of respectful and solemn during a wreath-laying ceremony at the sacred cemetery's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Following that ceremony, Trump and others joined the Gold Star families who invited them to the private ceremony to what is known as Section 60, where the more recent casualties of the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars are buried, and it was there that Trump posed for photos with the family members at their request.

However, there are special rules that restrict taking photos and videos for political purposes in that area, and it is alleged that a "physical altercation" occurred when a cemetery staffer sought to remind Trump's staffers of those rules.

The initial report of that alleged incident sparked an instant controversy that was swiftly blown out of proportion by Democrats and the media, as has become so tiringly typical, and a dogpile of negative media coverage quickly overwhelmed the initial good press the former president had received for his attendance at the memorial ceremony.

Army condemns Trump in statement

NPR, which was the first outlet to report on the supposed altercation between staffers, further reported that the politicized leadership of the U.S. Army has involved itself in the situation by releasing an otherwise uncharacteristic statement condemning former President Trump for supposedly violating the rules by engaging in political activities in Arlington's Section 60.

"Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds," the Army statement said. "An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside. Consistent with the decorum expected at ANC, this employee acted with professionalism and avoided further disruption."

The statement noted that the "Army considers this matter closed" because the employee declined to press charges, but added a swipe against Trump and his staffers by claiming that it was "unfortunate that the ANC employee and her professionalism has been unfairly attacked."

Trump was invited by the families

What The Atlantic and NPR failed to report or deliberately misled their readers about, though, is that other politicians, including then-Vice President Joe Biden, have had photos and videos taken while comforting Gold Star families in Arlington's Section 60, which were later used in campaign ads, as PolitiFact was forced to begrudgingly acknowledge even as it tried to spin those facts to defend Biden and attack Trump.

What the media has also largely overlooked or downplayed is that Trump was invited to attend by some of the Gold Star families of the Abbey Gate victims, which those families were compelled to remind everyone of in a publicly released statement.

Of course, those Gold Star families will be ignored or even attacked and belittled by Democrats and their media allies for having the audacity to associate themselves with Trump, which only adds to the heartbreaking nature of why they were all at Arlington National Cemetery in the first place.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson