Judge dismisses two more of the charges brought against Trump

 September 14, 2024

A judge has just dismissed two more of the criminal charges that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) has brought against former President Donald Trump. 

Judge Scott McAfee, according to the New York Postdid so in a ruling that he released on Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024.

This is the case in which Willis claims that Trump and his associates committed various criminal offenses when they attempted to challenge Georgia's results in the 2020 presidential election.

Trump has maintained his innocence, and the case has gone off the rails as Willis got caught up in several major scandals.

The latest

Trump is still facing 10 criminal charges in the case. But, now, two of these 10 have been dismissed.

They have been dismissed because, according to McAfee, they regard federal issues that are outside of his jurisdiction.

The Post reports:

Judge Scott McAfee Thursday ruled that two of the 10 counts remaining against the former president and the 2024 Republican nominee must be dismissed because they relate to alleged federal crimes that are outside the state’s power.

The outlet goes on to detail the two charges that have been dropped.

It writes:

One of the dismissed charges accused Trump and others of trying to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the Peach State by attempting to file a forged “Certificate of the Votes of the 2020 Electors from Georgia” making it look like Trump actually won. The other nixed charge accused Trump and his co-defendants of making false statements and filing false documents to get Georgia lawmakers to “reject lawful” votes.

Looking forward

Despite the fact that these two charges have been dismissed, it appears that the case will still proceed to trial.

Just the News reports:

While the dismissal of two counts marks a win for Trump, it was not a complete victory as McAfee permitted the case to proceed with the remaining charges.

There is still a potential problem, however, for Willis.

The outlet continues:

The case, however, has been on ice amid Trump's appeal of McAfee's decision to permit Willis to remain on the case amid concerns over her romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, a special prosecutor whom she hired to pursue the case. McAfee ordered that either Wade or Willis step down, which Wade did the following day.

Trump, as stated, is appealing the matter, and the appeal is expected to be heard in December. Until then, Willis's case against Trump will remain on hold.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson