Americans want term limits for Supreme Court justices

 September 15, 2024

The majority of Americans want there to be term limits for members of the U.S. Supreme Court. 

This is according to a new poll from the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. The complete poll and its results can be found here.

The pollster, in fact, found that there was "broad public support for some Supreme Court reforms."

This will be something that the Democrats who have been pushing for these reforms will be happy to hear.

A closer look:

We'll take a look at each proposed reform in turn.

First off, the majority of participants - 69% - said that they prefer there being a "mandatory retirement age" for members of the Supreme Court.

Similarly, 68% of participants said that they would like to see there be term limits for the justices.

The one unfortunate thing about these polls is that we don't know why participants feel this way, and we also don't know what that retirement age would be or how long the terms would be.

Currently, justices have life tenure, with the idea being that they would be able to be more impartial in deciding cases if they did not have to worry about whether or not they would remain with the court.

There's more

A big news item recently has been the Democrats' push for there to be a formal ethics code that the Supreme Court justices would have to abide by. 77% of poll participants indicated that they would agree with such a measure.

Not only that, but this participants said that the code ought to allow justices to be investigated if they are accused of an ethics violation. And, 82% said that justice ought not to be allowed to participate in a case in which they have personal or financial interests.

Not every reform garnered majority support, however. Only 47%, for example, said that they would be in favor of a rule that would allow for a public vote to overturn a Supreme Court decision on a controversial issue. Currently, of course, a Supreme Court decision can only be overturned by the Supreme Court or by legislation.

Finally, only 29% said that they would be in favor of increasing the number of justices on the court, something that is known as court packing.

It remains to be seen whether Congress will get enough support on any of the issues to actually implement any of these reforms. It could have a big impact on the court, to say the least.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson