Barron Trump noticeably absent from live promotional event for family's new crypto trading platform

 September 18, 2024

Former President Donald Trump and his family are set to roll out a new cryptocurrency market platform and his youngest son Barron was said to play a leading role in the effort.

Yet, during a two-hour promotional live-stream event on X on Monday, Barron was a no-show despite being billed as a featured speaker, according to the Independent.

Barron's failure to appear for what would have been his first major public speaking role during the online discussion prompted a joking "damned teenagers" exclamation from his eldest brother, Don Jr.

The Trump family's World Liberty Financial crypto trading service

According to a report earlier this month from cryptocurrency-focused CoinDesk, the Trump family is getting ready to unveil a new entry into the decentralized finance, or DeFi, market with a crypto trading platform dubbed World Liberty Financial.

A white paper circulated about the new service obtained by the news outlet revealed that the service's leadership team included former President Trump as the "Chief Crypto Advocate," elder sons Don Jr. and Eric as "Web3 Ambassadors," and youngest son Barron as its "DeFi Visionary," among others with backgrounds in cryptocurrency and other online ventures.

The platform, which aims to eventually provide its own token, will serve as a decentralized brokerage or "credit account system" allowing users to borrow and lend various cryptocurrencies to other users for a fee.

"Barron knows so much about this"

The World Liberty Financial project has yet to be formally launched but a promotional live-stream was broadcast on X on Monday night that was supposed to include all four involved members of the Trump family.

However, as the two-hour discussion drew to a close without the promised appearance of Barron, the Independent noted that host Farokh Sarmad said of the former first son, "He's not here anymore, we took too long," and added, "We're gonna try and get him back."

"Damned teenagers!" Don Jr., 46, joked of Barron, 18. "I'm like the old boomer now -- the grumpy old man with a white beard."

Former President Trump revealed during the conversation that his youngest son deserved credit for changing his previously negative opinion about cryptocurrencies, and said, "Barron knows so much about this. Barron's a young guy, but he knows -- he talks about his [crypto] wallet, he's got four wallets or something, and I'll say 'what is a wallet?' But he knows it inside out."

"It's almost like younger people know it a lot better than older people," he added. "But I have a lot of respect for them. They've shown great judgment, all of them."

Did Barron's school work cause him to miss the event?

There does not appear to have been any explanation given for why Barron Trump missed the promotional live-stream that he was supposed to participate in, but the Daily Beast offered up a plausible reason for his absence.

It was only a few weeks ago that Barron began classes as a freshman at New York University's Stern School of Business, and as such it may be possible that he was too busy with his academic work to participate in the online discussion.

It will be interesting to see if the former president's youngest son can find a way to balance his schooling with the demands of launching a cryptocurrency startup over the coming weeks and months.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson