Illegal alien arrested for murder after having been previously released by Border Patrol

 September 26, 2024

Critics have repeatedly slammed the Biden White House for releasing illegal aliens who then went on to commit horrifying crimes.

The latest example of that phenomenon came last week when a migrant was accused of killing a woman in Maryland. 

Alleged killer was released by Border Patrol agents after entering the U.S.

According to Breitbart, 23-year-old Gerber Luis Sanchez Centeno was arrested by Montgomery County Police Department officers for the murder of 18-year-old Dania Cruz-Mejia.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed that Centeno was taken into custody by Border Patrol agents in New Mexico this past June.

He was subsequently given an electronic ankle monitor as part of the Alternatives to Detention (ATD) program. However, the Salvadoran citizen nevertheless escaped.

The Washington Examiner noted how in 2019, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich signed an executive order which limited the ability of local law enforcement to work with ICE agents.

ICE agents arrest Salvadoran gang member on Massachusetts' Nantucket Island

Centeno's arrest came just days after agents with ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested 30-year-old Salvadoran gang member Angel Gabriel Deras in Massachusetts.

"Angel Gabriel Deras-Mejia unlawfully entered the United States then made his way to Massachusetts, to apparently commit crimes of violence," ERO Boston Field Office Director Todd M. Lyons said in a press release.

"To make matters worse, Deras-Mejia is a documented member of a notorious transnational criminal organization and represents a significant threat to the residents of Nantucket," he continued.

"ERO Boston will continue to prioritize the safety of our public by aggressively apprehending and removing such threats from our New England communities," Lyons went on to add.

Poll shows voters trust Trump over Harris when it comes to the border

Stories such as these may explain why a recent survey found that most Americans favor former President Donald Trump's plan to deport large numbers of illegal aliens.

Fox News reported that the poll was released on September 18 by Scripps News/Ipsos Poll, and it found that 54% of all respondents "strongly" or "somewhat" support the idea of mass deportation.

The survey also showed that 39% of respondents identified immigration and border security as a top issue for them, second only to 57% who cited inflation.

When it comes to which candidate is seen as being better equipped to secure the border, former President Donald Trump holds a 10-point advantage over Vice President Kamala Harris.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson