Harris campaign's narrative about Gov. Walz undermined by photos of meeting with billionaire George Soros' leftist son Alex

 September 26, 2024

The campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris, with a hearty assist from the media, has worked hard to get American voters to perceive Democratic vice presidential nominee and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as an ideologically moderate middle-class guy from the rural Midwest.

That carefully established narrative was sharply undermined when it was recently publicized that Walz met with Alex Soros, the son and heir of leftist billionaire Goerge Soros, at his penthouse apartment in New York City, Fox News reported.

It will now be much more difficult for Harris and her media allies to convince voters that Walz is an unthreatening "moderate" everyman when he is seen palling around with a devout progressive who isn't shy about his intent to use his vast wealth to continue fundamentally transforming American society to more closely match his socialist ideals.

Soros and Walz

On Tuesday, Alex Soros, the inheritor of father George Soros' immense wealth and successor to his leftist Open Societies Foundation, posted photos of his meeting with the Democratic vice presidential candidate and wrote, "Honored to host Governor @Tim_Walz at my home in New York City!"

The pushback to the posted photo from conservatives, independents, and even some left-leaners in the comments and in reposts was swift and severe, according to Fox News.

Why would Soros post these pics?

Investigative reporter and author Jerry Dunleavy astutely observed, "A post like this does nothing to help Kamala Harris & Tim Walz win -- if anything, it hurts them. So why would Soros post something like this? To publicly signal his power & influence within the next would-be presidential administration."

Indeed, business entrepreneur and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy reposted the photos and quipped, "If you squint, you can see the strings on the marionette."

As to the Harris campaign's narrative that Gov. Walz is just a regular small-town guy, Washington Free Beacon reporter Chuck Ross posted, "Nothing screams Midwestern folksy like a billionaire penthouse view of Manhattan."

Likewise, but a bit more bluntly, conservative digital strategist Greg Price wrote of Walz, "This guy goes around saying he's a small town midwestern guy who understands the struggles of the middle class and then goes to hang out at the floating home in the sky of the world's biggest billionaire nepo baby."

Even left-leaning commentator and columnist Matthew Yglesias indicated that the photos could potentially backfire politically and replied to Soros' post, "With respect, probably not helpful for you to put yourself in the story like this."

Not their first meeting

Interestingly enough, Fox News reported that this was actually the second time in about a month that Soros posted pictures of himself meeting with Gov. Walz.

In late August, while the Democratic National Convention was ongoing in Chicago, the progressive billionaire's successor son shared a few pictures and said, "Walzified! Walzpilled! Great to meet with our future VP, coach Walz here in Chicago!"

Fox News noted the irony of the situation in that "Walz has been widely touted by various media outlets as a VP choice who will help Harris win rural voters in Middle America while George Soros is one of the most polarizing progressive figures in American politics, often criticized by Republicans for implementing a far-left agenda with his vast fortune."

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Thomas Jefferson