Massachusetts couple indicted for casting illegal votes in multiple elections in New Hampshire

 September 28, 2024

Democrats and their media allies have often and repeatedly insisted that voter fraud isn't an issue and have mockingly denigrated the election integrity concerns expressed by former President Donald Trump and other Republicans.

Yet, evidence of such seems to continuously be uncovered, including most recently in New Hampshire, where a married couple from Massachusetts now face criminal charges for voting illegally in multiple elections, Just the News reported.

The former president's critics will undoubtedly downplay the indicted couple as isolated examples whose singular votes were not enough to alter the outcome of any elections, and likely refuse to admit that Trump was right that voter fraud does occur and ought to be guarded against.

Live in Massachusetts but voted in New Hampshire

On Thursday, the New Hampshire Department of Justice announced that Joshua and Lisa Urovitch, ages 56 and 54, had been indicted by a grand jury with three felony counts each of Wrongful Voting.

The Urovitches allegedly illegally cast ballots in the general elections of 2020 and 2022 plus a local school district race in 2022 in Concord, New Hampshire, when the couple actually lived in Ashland, Massachusetts.

The Massachusetts residents are scheduled to be arraigned in a New Hampshire court on the felony charges on October 7.

"It does happen" in every election

According to the Concord Monitor, Lisa Urovitch has owned a small three-bedroom home on Pine Street in the New Hampshire city since 2007, while her husband Joshua owns a pair of condo units in Framingham, Massachusetts, and the married couple jointly own another pair of condos in Worcester, Massachusetts.

The tax records for all of those properties list the home addresses of the owners in Ashland, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire authorities insist that the Ashland address is where the couple actually resides full-time.

Republican New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan told the Monitor that the charges against the Urovitches stemmed from a report from his office to the state attorney general following a standard review for illegal voting that occurs after each election.

"In every election, there’s usually one or two or three individuals that are prosecuted for voting twice or voting at the wrong location," the secretary said. "In the overall scheme of things, three, even four individuals out of 800,000 voters that potentially could turn out is very, very small, but it does happen, and so we remain vigilant in that area."

Could be sentenced to decades in prison

According to the Boston Globe, the New Hampshire DOJ's Election Law Unit revealed that over the past seven years, from 2017 through 2024, there have been nearly three dozen cases of wrongful voting pursued, with nearly two dozen involving cease-and-desist letters and one dozen resulting in criminal convictions.

The Globe noted that records show the Urovitches remain registered to vote in Concord, New Hampshire -- Lisa as a Democrat and Joshua as undeclared -- though it appears they did not cast ballots in the Granite State's state primary elections earlier this month.

It was further noted that Lisa, who holds a law degree, has previously worked for several Democratic members of Congress, most recently one from New Hampshire from 2007 through 2011. Neither Lisa nor Joshua responded to requests for comment.

If convicted, the Urovitches face sentencing of anywhere from three-and-a-half to seven years in prison, plus fines, for each of the three felony counts they individually face.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson