Las Vegas Police dispatch recordings reveal efforts to handle 'sick or injured' Biden before he disappeared and dropped out of 2024 race

 October 5, 2024

In mid-July, the White House announced that President Joe Biden had tested positive for COVID-19 while in Las Vegas, Nevada, for a campaign event. The event was canceled and Biden then disappeared to his home in Delaware for a week, during which he announced that he'd dropped his re-election bid.

Now audio recordings from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's dispatch have shed light on the extraordinary efforts the department made in responding to the sudden change in plans for the "sick or injured" president," according to the New York Post.

Those recordings, obtained by a watchdog group, add more context to what was already known of the situation and suggest that it may have been more serious than the White House initially let on.

Recordings reveal efforts of police to secure routes for "sick or injured" Biden

Judicial Watch announced on Friday that it previously filed a request under the Nevada Public Records Act and successfully obtained audio recordings of LVMPD's dispatch from the night of July 17, 2024, when President Biden suddenly canceled a planned campaign event in Las Vegas and was swiftly escorted out of the city.

The recordings revealed that the local police scrambled to secure a path to a local hospital, using certain codes that indicated a "sick or injured person" and for squad cars to utilize their emergency lights and sirens, only to then swiftly adjust course and secure a route to the airport instead of the hospital.

The tenor and tone of the transmissions were quite serious as all available units were ordered to take part in blocking off certain roads or escorting the presidential convoy, or to meet up at the hospital -- including instructions to be prepared with tactical gear, if necessary, for plainclothes officers.

After everything was said and done and Biden had been successfully delivered to Air Force One, everybody involved was congratulated for their "great work" on the "ad hoc" last-minute mission that went off without any issues and "looked like we had planned it for weeks."

White House and media downplayed incident as not serious

The LVMPD dispatch recordings don't necessarily change the official narrative of what occurred on July 17 in Las Vegas with President Biden but do appear to undermine how the White House and media downplayed the incident and insisted that it had been no big deal.

According to a report about a week later, social media claims that Biden had experienced some sort of "medical emergency" were purportedly debunked as "baseless" and untrue.

Indeed, the outlet insisted that the sudden scrambling of the police department to close roads and secure routes was standard practice, as was the hospital being placed on standby to receive a sick president who ultimately never arrived.

Was it really all no big deal?

In the end, per the White House, President Biden only experienced a "mild" case of COVID that kept him isolated at his Delaware home for about a week and his health and wellbeing were never in any serious danger.

That may indeed be true, but the timing of the incident amid the intense pressure for Biden to drop out of the race, followed by his announced decision to do exactly that just a few days later, will undoubtedly continue to fuel skepticism about the official narrative of what really transpired in Las Vegas.

The fact that the White House has refused to provide further comment on the incident beyond its initial statements, per the Post, will likely only add to the suspicions that something more than what has been publicly acknowledged occurred.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson