NC Dem House candidate arrested for stealing Trump yard signs

 October 13, 2024

Imagine running for public office as a lawmaker at the state level and attempting to prove to voters that you're of sound mind and have their best interests at heart, only to be so emotionally unstable that you get arrested for stealing Trump yard signs.

Welcome to the life of North Carolina Democratic House candidate Lowell Simon, who apparently has such a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome that he felt he needed to steal yard signs that favor former President Donald Trump.

According to Breitbart, Simon, who serves as the head of the Democrat Party in Moore County, admitted what he did in a statement.

He's one of many who have felt the need to steal Trump yard signs, which serve absolutely zero purpose and is illegal in most areas.


Simon admitted that he stole the Trump signs, noting that he did it in broad daylight, adding that he thinks his "worse angels" got the best of him.

“My worse angels got the better of me and I removed the signs,” Simon admitted in a statement. “I shouldn’t have done that. I didn’t do it in the stealth of night or anything. I did it when it was five o’clock in the afternoon."

Simon, who apparently isn't the smoothest thief in the town, was caught removing the signs by police officer who was answering another call.

The Moore County Sheriff's Office released a statement on the situation through the department's official Facebook page.

"On October 10, 2024, at approximately 5:25 p.m., a sheriff’s deputy working in the West End area observed Lowell Simon removing campaign signs from the roadside along Seven Lakes Drive."

It added, "The deputy, who was responding to an unrelated call at the time, later followed up at Simon’s residence, where the signs were found in his vehicle. Simon admitted to removing the signs, which were then recovered and returned to their original owner."

Social media responds

Users across social media weighed in on the embarrassing arrest.

"Yep. This human piece of garbage stole my mom‘s Trump signs. This is a red county and he has littered our streets with nothing but Harris signs while removing Trump signs. He is that delusional. He thinks that signs are going to help Kamala win," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Typical Democrat… They lie cheat and steal."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson