DANIEL VAUGHAN: The Biden-Harris White House Has An Iranian Spy Leaking U.S. Intelligence In It

 October 21, 2024

According to reports, a mole in the United States intelligence community leaked classified information from American intelligence to Iranian propaganda outlets unquestionably connected to Tehran. The question is, how did classified intelligence from the United States, showing Israeli military movements that suggest broader action against Iran, get to Tehran?

The answer raises uncomfortable questions for the Biden-Harris White House, which has opposed Israel every step of the way in responding to Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. Prior to Israel killing Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, Biden announced he would pull military aid to Israel unless it started sending out more humanitarian aid to Gaza. Both Biden and Harris warned Israel against any operations in Rafah, which ended up being exactly where Sinwar was hiding.

Both Biden and Harris have given similar warnings to Israel regarding a broader attack against Iran, which controls the terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah, and more. As I've detailed here, both Israel and Ukraine have found some of their better victories in recent months after Biden stepped aside in the U.S. presidential election. They've ignored the White House and gone on the offensive.

Defying Biden got Israel the entire leadership of Hezbollah and Hamas, with the ultimate threat still looming: Iran and its nuclear program. Ending Iran's nuclear capabilities would boost the safety and security of the entire region.

Operations against Iran are being assessed also because Iran has started firing ballistic missiles into Israel, targeting civilian centers across the country. While casualties are low, the threat is still there and must be neutered from ever happening again.

If Israel is close to launching a broader offensive against Iran, leaking U.S. intelligence would be a way to both try and deter Israel and give more warning to Iran. Nothing about the leaks in question benefits the United States, Israel, or any American. Everything in this story benefits the Iranians and terrorists.

In 2012, similar allegations were made against the Obama administration when U.S. intelligence leaks showed that Israel was working towards using "Azerbaijan as a base of operations in the event of an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities." The Israelis were understandably livid over the leaks, while the Obama administration played dumb and continued working towards its beloved Iran nuclear deal.

In the present Biden-Harris administration, there are questionable Iranian connections everywhere. The FBI has had an open investigation into whether or not Iranian envoy Rob Malley "moved classified information onto his personal email, where it may have fallen into the hands of a foreign actor."

Politico noted that "leaked documents involving Malley have appeared in the Tehran Times, a publication aligned with the Islamist regime in Tehran, so Iran may have made Malley a target of its hacks." Whether these are hacks or some opportunist in the U.S. intelligence space is unknown—Malley had his security clearance allegedly stripped, and we know very little about what has happened since.

We also know that a broader spy ring connected to Iran was busted last year. That investigation found that "Malley had helped to infiltrate an Iranian agent of influence named Ariane Tabatabai into some of the most sensitive positions in the U.S. government—first at the State Department and now the Pentagon, where she has been serving as chief of staff for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations, Christopher Maier."

The Washington Examiner found that the "experts" connected to Iranian think tanks involved with this spy ring visited the White House numerous times. We're looking beyond mere influence peddling that you might find in a typical think tank. These Iranian actors are directly accused of getting U.S. classified materials to Tehran. And at the peak of the Israel-Iran conflict, when Israel is looking at targeting Iran, suddenly we get leaks of U.S. intelligence to the same Iranian propaganda outlets. 

You don't have to be a professional to understand that something stinks here, and only those harmed are the United States and Israel. If you're one of these pro-Iran boosters or spies, everything is going great with these leaks. 

The State Department, the Pentagon, and all federal agencies should get purged of these malcontents who serve Iran and its terrorist proxies, and not the United States. It's not a hard question. Biden should order an immediate investigation, Congress should join, and everyone involved in these leaks and aiding Iran should get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 

At a bare minimum, we should strip security clearances to prevent more leaks. That's apparently a step too far for this administration. Demanding accountability for U.S. intelligence ending up in the enemy's hands is too much to ask from a President, a Vice President, and a political party that finds itself aligned with the goals of a nuclear Iran. 

The other goal of the Iranian regime right now? The Iranians want the assassination of Donald Trump, and some arrests have already occurred on that front. U.S. national security is at stake, along with the lives of those targeted by this genocidal regime. Biden and Harris should aid the Israelis, and stop coddling Iran. The path of Biden-Harris leads to more victories for the Iranians, and a less safe world.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson