DANIEL VAUGHAN: Biden-Harris Negotiate With Terrorists

 August 12, 2024

Tell me if you've heard this one before: Hamas is walking away from the negotiating table. After the White House made a big splash about a "final round of negotiations" and avoiding a war, Hamas unilaterally rejected the proposal. For Hamas, ending hostilities, releasing hostages, or any other peaceful gesture is a step too far. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or whoever is running things in this administration need to stop appeasing terrorists.

Last week, Biden, along with others, released a statement demanding "Israel and Hamas to take part in a final round of negotiations next week to finalize a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal." The stated goal of these negotiations is to avoid a broader war. The timeline puts these meetings just before the Democratic Convention. Biden has politics on the brain, not peace.

The letter by Biden and the other leaders states, "We have called on the two sides to resume urgent talks on Thursday, August 15 in (Doha or Cairo) to fill all remaining gaps and begin implementing the agreement without any delay." Israel agreed to send people to this negotiation.

Hamas gave reasons for walking away. They said, "In a statement, Hamas claimed several reasons for its decision: the new conditions and demands presented recently by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh and recent Israeli airstrikes in Gaza that killed dozens of Palestinians, many of them civilians."

These are fig-leaf excuses straight from the Iranian regime, seeking ways to strike back against Israel. Iran wants to strike back against Israel, but it is struggling with how to do that. The latest intelligence suggests Iran is ramping up for a strike on Israel, making negotiations with Hamas a waste of time with everyone.

In the meantime, Hezbollah continues firing rockets into Israel practically every day. These kinds of attacks are the norm in Israel, where everyone gets rocket attack alarms like Americans get daily weather alerts.

Yet, when you ask Joe Biden or Democratic leadership what is happening in the Middle East, you get drivel. Biden accuses Benjamin Netanyahu of "prolonging" the war for political gain.

That insanity is what is prolonging the war. Israel is being attacked by genocidal terrorists who currently have Americans hostage and seek to eradicate Jews. Hamas refuses to negotiate anything because they're run by Iran, which wants all Israelis dead.

I get that the Obama-Biden position on international affairs is that Iran is a good broker in global politics, but they've yet to do anything positive for the United States or any of our allies. Just this week, Reuters reported that Iran was selling hundreds of ballistic missiles to Russia for likely use in the war in Ukraine.

Iran isn't just opposing the United States over Israel. It's actively aiding Russia in Ukraine. This is the same country that Obama and Biden have given cash to, released sanctions, and helped access international oil markets. Every time Iran takes advantage of Obama-Biden policies, the United States, Israel, and the free world suffer.

In July, the Biden administration's State Department declared that Iran was "days away from producing fissile material sufficient for a nuclear weapon." In an attempt to quell fears, they added, "Iran had not yet produced a weapon capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, assessing that achieving this outcome would require more time."

In other words, we have a region on the brink of war, Iran approaching nuclear status, and Biden, Harris, Obama, and everyone in their orbit is unhappy with the lone Jewish state in the region. We should be supporting Israel in eradicating the terrorist leadership of Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah - not helping Iran.

Hamas, Iran, and the rest only want one thing: Israel to cease to exist. Every day, they wake up and think of new ways to eradicate Jews and the Jewish state. If the United States faced an enemy that was firing missiles across our national borders every day, we'd have bombed them back to the Stone Age years ago.

Biden makes broad claims that the war in Gaza is "Israel's Afghanistan." It's an absurd comparison. The United States engaged in a war on the other side of the globe to attack a terrorist group for two decades. Israel is fighting people attacking it from its borders. We would never expect ourselves to put up something like the Iron Dome and live under a threat of constant attacks - Biden expects that of Israel.

Israel should not be forced to negotiate with the stone-cold killers who executed the October 7 attacks. That is what Biden demands of them. And based on her more leftist views, Kamala Harris holds similar views. It's an absurd stance that endangers both Israel and Americans trapped there.

The path to peace means eradicating Hamas, bringing home all the hostages, and rebuilding after that. Hamas doesn't want peace. It takes war to eradicate the Hamas vision of the world.

Mr. Biden - Stop negotiating with terrorists.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson