DANIEL VAUGHAN: Three Years Later Biden's Afghan Debacle Reverberates

 August 16, 2024

Three years ago, Americans witnessed the brutal depravity of the Taliban sweeping across Afghanistan and retaking the country. On August 15, 2021, the capital of Kabul was retaken by the Taliban. Eleven days later, an ISIS suicide bomber charged the gates at the airport, killing 13 American soldiers and 170 Afghan civilians. All this happened because Joe Biden gave the land and country to the Taliban and plunged them into darkness.

The dead American troops were largely memory-holed from the official record. Biden claimed in his debate-debacle that no one had died abroad in his administration. Just a few months earlier, one of the fathers of the Marines who died that day was arrested after shouting at Biden during the State of the Union. Biden never mentioned them in that speech, just as he didn't remember them on the debate stage.

Biden ceding everything to the Taliban and wanting credit for doing something good was the moment his polls tanked and never recovered. Biden believes he navigated that moment perfectly. Everyone else views giving all of Afghanistan back to the Taliban and abandoning American citizens and our Afghan partners as a colossal mistake.

There were no negotiations, and there was no plan. Biden gave up, gave the land to the Taliban, and watched the collapse from the White House. In the process, the United States military left behind more than $7 billion of military equipment in the country.

The Taliban took that equipment and started selling it off for income. We've seen U.S. and NATO equipment from Afghanistan show up around the globe. India's military reports:

Authorities in Indian-controlled Kashmir tell NBC News that militants trying to annex the region for Pakistanare carrying M4s, M16s and other U.S.-made arms and ammunition that have rarely been seen in the 30-year conflict. A major reason, they say, is a regional flood of U.S.-funded weapons that fell into the hands of the Taliban when U.S.-led NATO forces withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021.

There have also been reports of Iran getting its hand on U.S. equipment from the Taliban. And we should expect the Russians and Chinese to have access to all the intelligence from that equipment, too.

That wasn't the only boost for Iran. When Biden gave Afghanistan back to the Taliban, Iran immediately got a trade boost from the country. Iran began fuel exports to Afghanistan in 2021 and used that to help shore up its economy. 

Add those decisions up with the Biden administration's other friendly moves towards Iran, and you understand quickly how Iran is closing in on nuclear weapons and able to attack Israel and the United States through terrorist proxies. 

Iran wasn't the only one watching Biden give up so easily in Afghanistan. Vladimir Putin started stacking resources and troops on the Ukrainian border in March and April of 2021. The U.S. collapse in Afghanistan happened throughout August and September of 2021. Then, in October, Putin doubled down and began a second massing of troops and supplies in October 2021.

By the end of 2021, Putin had 100,000 troops ready on the Ukrainian border, with no pushback from the Biden administration. He got the same treatment as the Taliban. And so, the world has witnessed that weakness turn into a multi-year conflict that has inflicted pain and harm on both Ukrainians and Russians, not to mention global supply chains. The human and economic toll is catastrophic. 

Biden giving everything to the Taliban triggered a wave of foreign policy disasters in the United States that we're still riding. 

Afghanistan is a black hole of death and despair, Ukraine has managed to stay alive while the Russian meat grinder campaign continues, and the war in Gaza is threatening to explode into a total regional conflict. China sits in the position of Russia in 2021, watching the collapse and looking at Taiwan, trying to figure out what they could get away with under this administration. 

It all started when Biden gave up all the land and resources in Afghanistan to the Taliban without a fight. American soldiers are dead because of that, and American citizens have experienced the very worst of the world while Biden sits by and watches. Russia is practically running a prisoner exchange program by capturing Americans and demanding things from the White House. 

Everyone knows Biden will fold, giving up land, resources, and people. What about Kamala Harris? It's hard to see her be any better since she's "in the room" with all the decision-makers. Kamala Harris and her staff demanded we refer to everything done under this White House as the Biden-Harris administration. 

Three years after one of the worst debacles in U.S. history, Biden's decline began with giving up. How much more must America give up with Biden and Harris before change can happen? It's a terrifying thought to imagine at this point. 

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson