150 House Dems oppose bill to deport illegal aliens with DUI arrests

 February 2, 2024

One hundred and fifty Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives, this week, opposed a bill that would enable law enforcement to deport from America illegal aliens who have been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. 

Nonetheless, the New York Post reports that the measure managed to make it through the lower chamber.

According to the outlet, the final vote tally, on Thursday, was 274 to 150 - that is 274 in favor and 150 against.

All House Republicans and some House Democrats voted in favor of the bill, whereas the 150 who voted against the measure were all House Democrats.

H.R. 6976

The bill is called the Protect Communities from DUIs Act, and it comes from U.S. Rep. Barry Moore (R-AL).

Moore first introduced the bill on Jan. 11, 2024, and the House passed the bill on Feb. 1, 2024.

The Hill explains, "DUIs are already grounds for deportation in some cases, and it’s well understood by those seeking to gain residency that such a conviction can hinder the process of adjusting their status."

"But," the outlet continues, "the bill passed by the House targets conflicts between state and federal law that sometimes allow past DUI convictions to not be considered in an immigration case. And it also makes all misdemeanor DUI offenses a grounds both for deportation and making someone inadmissible for adjusting their status."

Next, the bill will be headed to the U.S. Senate. It is unclear how much support the bill will get there.

"This issue hits close to home for me."

Just before the bill was passed on Thursday, Moore gave a speech on the House floor in which he explained why the bill is necessary.

"Every 45 minutes. That's how often someone in the United States dies in a crash involving an alcohol-impaired driver. In 2021 alone, there were 13,384 alcohol-related driving fatalities. In the same year, drunk driving crashes led to nearly 400,000 injuries and deaths. Those crashes don't discriminate -- it could be me, it could be you, or it could be one of our family members," Moore said.

The congressman went on to relate his own personal experience of the problem.

He said, "This issue hits close to home for me. There was a newlywed couple from my hometown of Enterprise, Alabama, named Angel and Jeremy Seay. I knew them personally. Angel and Jeremy were riding their motorcycle together when an illegal immigrant under the influence of alcohol collided into them with his pickup. Their lives were cut dramatically short."

"Sadly, tragedies like this are not uncommon across our country," Moore said.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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