A massive Supreme Court document leak reveals chief justice part in Trump's January 6 and election cases

 September 16, 2024

Details released from leaked memos at the United States Supreme Court indicate that the chief justice might have overstepped in dealing with former President Donald Trump's case.

Roberts, according to a recent report by The Daily Mail, coerced his fellow Supreme Court justices into granting him a significant role in cases involving Donald Trump, as revealed by leaked memos.

The conservative judge assumed the lead in March's case regarding the validity of states' ability to exclude the former president from their ballots due to his involvement in the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

According to memoranda that were disclosed to the New York Times, Roberts requested that the bench render a unanimous decision.

Case Details

As a result of his fellow conservative being involved in a dispute with Justice Samuel Alito over his wife flying the Stars and Stripes upside down from their home, he also took command of the matter concerning the prosecution of the rioters who occurred on January 6.

After an appellate court determined that Trump did not have presidential immunity for his alleged role in seeking to change the results of the 2020 presidential election, Roberts notified his colleagues that they should take the case. These decisions were made after the case was brought before the court.

"As I read it, it says simply a former president can be prosecuted because he’s being prosecuted," he said of the lower court's judgment.

Public Details

As for what he believed his colleagues ought to decide, he did not keep his opinion a secret.

"I think it likely that we will view the separation of powers analysis differently," he wrote in a February memo.

Some conservatives wanted to postpone making a choice until after the presidential election that will take place in November. On the other hand, Roberts insisted on drafting the opinion himself and urged that it be made as soon as possible.

"In a case like this one, focusing on ‘transient results’ may have profound consequences for the separation of powers and for the future of our Republic," he wrote. "Our perspective must be more farsighted."

Final Decision

Attempts by the court system to bring charges against the former president were dealt a devastating blow by the judgment.

And Roberts was unable to obtain the unanimity that he was seeking, which resulted in a blistering dissent from liberal justice Sonia Sotomayor, who expressed her disappointment that the verdict had granted Trump "all the immunity he asked for and more."

She expressed her concern that it would shield "treasonous acts," that it would elevate the president to the status of "a king above the law," and that it would cause her to "fear for our democracy."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson