Actor Gabriel Jarret caught in underage sex sting

 September 18, 2023

In a shocking development, actor Gabriel Jarret was reportedly caught in a sting operation by an anti-child trafficking group. 

According to Fox 11 in Los Angeles, that allegation was leveled against the Hollywood actor last week by the Creep Catching Unit (or CC Unit).

Jarret allegedly exchanged explicit message with person who he thought was 14

The organization's website explains that it "strives to help protect children from online predators both by catching these predators and raising community awareness around the issue in hopes of toughening laws and legislation."

Its founder goes by the name "Ghost," and he told Fox 11 that Jarret "wanted to have oral sex" with a girl whom he believed to be 14 years of age.

The CC Unit provided evidence of communication between the actor and one of its members, including sexually explicit text messages.

Actor says he was entrapped

For his part, Jarret told Fox 11 that he was the victim of entrapment and claimed that sexually explicit material was being sent to him.

Although the actor acknowledged that he planned to meet the girl at the Santa Monica Pier, Jarret insisted that it was only so he could "let her off easy" and tell the teen to stop messaging him.

However, rather than finding a teenage girl, Jarret encountered members of CC Unit, who recorded the interaction and posted the footage on social media.

Ex-girlfriend accused Jarret of being a pedophile

This is not the first time Jarret has been in the news, as TMZ reported in 2018 that he sought and received a restraining order against his ex-girlfriend Jennifer Marie Alfano.

That stemmed from an incident in which Alfano refused to leave Jarret's apartment. Neighbors heard her scream that Jarret was a pedophile, a drug dealer, and a rapist.

Alfano was also accused of chasing one of Jarret's friends around the Santa Monica neighborhood for 20 minutes before police arrived.

What's more, the woman allegedly made off with Jarret's laptop, social security cards, birth certificate, and items of jewelry.

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