Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone abandons Biden, Democratic Party, reveals support for RFK Jr.

 June 9, 2023

Hollywood actress Alicia Silverstone revealed this week that she is no longer a registered member of the Democratic Party and that she will not be supporting President Joe Biden's 2024 bid for re-election, Breitbart reported.

Instead, the "Clueless" star announced that she is backing the longshot campaign of Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is challenging Biden for the nomination of a political party that he seeks to fundamentally alter going forward -- and Silverstone may not be alone in making that choice.

Silverstone reveals support for RFK Jr.

In an Instagram post on Tuesday that featured a picture of Silverstone with Kennedy and a lengthy Kennedy campaign ad, the actress wrote, "Last year, I cancelled my Democratic Party registration and registered as an Independent voter."

"Like many others, I am deeply disappointed with political leadership at every turn. The division, the lies, the profiteering at the expense of the people and public health," she continued. "But @robertfkennedyjr gives me hope. This man gets me excited about the potential for truth and justice. He provides hope for young and old to trust our government once again. RFK Jr. is a person we can be inspired and be proud to call President."

"Bobby is a true leader. He loves our country deeply and is the most courageous warrior. He fights for all mothers and children. He fights for our planet, fairness, and freedom," she argued. "He is someone who can unify the divide in this country. He is a walking history book; a passionate loving human with no tolerance for corruption or bullying."

"I love his vision of peace, unity, and justice for all. I am uplifted by his commitment to protect civil and worker rights as well as our children’s health. We need leaders who will resolve poverty, pollution, inequality, and stop wars … Bobby is that leader," Silverstone added. "If you have felt disenfranchised by our government like me, I highly recommend you listening to Bobby speak. I've worked alongside Bobby for children’s health and our environment for 15 plus years. I love me some Bobby!!"

Kennedy holding steady in polls

According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination, Kennedy, who announced his candidacy in late April, currently trails far behind President Biden by around 42 points.

That said, Biden's average level of support of 59.3 percent is rather weak for a sitting incumbent while Kennedy's average of 16.8 percent -- his standing in the various polls fluctuates between 12-21 percent -- suggests that he has a sizeable core base of support among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents that is nothing for the Democratic establishment and their media allies to scoff at.

Yet, scoffing is exactly what the alliance of political and media establishments has done with regard to Kennedy's upstart campaign which appears to be gaining momentum and reportedly has Biden's White House secretly expressing some concern.

Democratic and media establishment on the attack

The Politico Playbook reported Tuesday that Kennedy, once relegated to the fringe due to his unorthodox and counter-narrative views on vaccines, Big Pharma, and incessant wars, is now "suddenly knocking on the door of mainstream relevance" thanks in large part to the traction his campaign has gained over the past month or so.

The outlet nonetheless dismissed Kennedy as posing "no direct danger" to Biden and characterized him as a mere "annoyance" instead of a genuine threat, even as it noted that the Biden White House, while officially taking the stance of ignoring Kennedy, is keeping a close eye on him and quietly encouraging and support attacks against him by Democratic and media allies.

The Hill reported similarly on Wednesday, albeit from a perspective of Democrats more broadly, and suggested that there were legitimate and growing concerns among the party establishment about the impact Kennedy's candidacy could have on Biden's re-election bid.

It remains to be seen whether the dismissive and dishonest attacks against him -- he is now routinely lambasted as being akin to a conspiratorial MAGA Republican extremist -- will work to stymie Kennedy's momentum or result in a backlash of even more disaffected Democrats like Silverstone deciding to abandon Biden and the Democratic establishment for a more down-to-earth left-leaning populist with big ideas and a famous last name.

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