Alvin Bragg donates $3 million to 'alternative to incarceration' program

 October 18, 2023

As the victims of New York's criminal underclass cry out for justice, the city's woke prosecutor is focused on helping the bad guys.

George Soros-backed district attorney Alvin Bragg (D) has donated $3 million to the Fortune Society, a nonprofit that supports "alternatives to incarceration."

Bragg says the "court navigators" program will reduce recidivism by helping mentally ill or drug-addicted defendants find social services.

Bragg's new program

Bragg has gained a reputation for going soft on criminals - and throwing the book at law-abiding citizens.

70 percent of people arrested in Manhattan last year were released without conditions or had their cases dismissed, according to Bloomberg.

The Court Navigators program appears to be Bragg's latest effort to address crime without putting criminals in jail - where they belong.

A press release from Bragg's office written in activist jargon says the Court Navigators program "will reach those involved in the criminal justice system at the earliest possible moment to address the underlying drivers of crime and violence and reduce recidivism."

In a statement praising the Fortune Society, Bragg expounded on his philosophy that crime is caused by vague societal factors that somehow force criminals to break the law.

“Through these investments we are creating a continuum of care for Manhattanites struggling with mental health or substance use disorders that will create lasting public safety,” he said.

“The best way to address the root drivers of crime and violence is to connect people with the services they need to lead healthy and stable lives, including housing, healthcare and job opportunities," he said.

Doubling down on insanity

Stanley Richards, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of The Fortune Society, said the program "reflects a visionary approach to address the underlying drivers of crime and violence at their root."

The program will be funded with money seized from BNP Paribas SA, HSBC Holdings Plc and Standard Chartered Bank, which have been accused of violating sanctions on countries like Cuba and Iran.

Many would say "alternatives to incarceration" hasn't gone well in New York, where crime and homelessness have spiraled out of control.

A woman was left critically injured Wednesday when a man shoved her in front of a moving train - just the latest unprovoked attack on the city's residents. 

Meanwhile, Alvin Bragg is putting out feel-good press releases.

What a joke.

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Thomas Jefferson
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