Alvin Bragg's office dismisses charges brought by 'The Eagles' front man over allegedly stolen handwritten lyrics

 March 9, 2024

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has gained national notoriety for his indictment of former President Donald Trump.

However, that isn't the only high-profile case that Bragg is overseeing. Bragg has been overseeing a case from The Eagles’ front-man involving allegedly stolen lyrics from the band's iconic hit “Hotel California."

Eagles drummer and vocalist Don Henley filed charges against rare-books dealer Glenn Horowitz, ex-Rock & Roll Hall of Fame curator Craig Inciardi, and memorabilia seller Edward Kosinki for stealing handwritten lyrics to “Hotel California” and other valuable merchandise.

However, it appears that Henley misled Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office by withholding 6,000 pages of key evidence.

That evidence wasn't uncovered until the trial was already underway and with its discovery, the case has been dissolved.

Hidden evidence

Justice Curtis Farber dropped the charges against the three defendants following the discovery bringing an anticlimactic end to this high-profile case.

At a hearing Wednesday morning in the Manhattan Supreme Court, Farber accused Henley and his lawyers of conspiring to "hide information that they believed would be damaging," to their case against Horowitz, Inciardi, and Kosinki.

Stacey Richman, a lawyer for Inciardi told reporters, "We are checking out and leaving the courtroom," in reference to a "Hotel California" verse.

Henley and Irving Azoff, the Eagles’ longtime manager, cited their “privilege” to keep communications with their lawyers secret under attorney-client privilege.

When they finally waived that right as the trial was underway “the belated production of approximately 6,000 pages of material” according to Assistant District Attorney Aaron Ginandes.

Bragg in hot water

Justice Farber congratulated Bragg's office for “eating a slice of humble pie” by dismissing the charges but the defendants still aren't happy with Bragg.

Scott Edelman, Kosinki’s attorney, blasted Bragg saying, "The district attorney in this case got blinded by the fame and fortune of a celebrity and brought a case that would never have been brought if it was just a normal person involved. That blinded them to the information that they weren’t being given, and led to the events of today."

Bragg has earned the ire of many for his delusional indictment of Trump and many expect will fail similarly to this debacle.

Bragg may have eaten his "humble pie" but he could have avoided this situation in the first place.

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