America receives new intel on Iranian plot to assassinate Trump

 July 18, 2024

As if nearly having his ear blown off in Pennsylvania wasn't enough, ANOTHER assassination plot against President Donald Trump has been uncovered. is reporting that "the Iranian regime’s plot to assassinate former President Trump is the latest in a string of attempts by Tehran to lethally target American officials and Iranian American dissidents."

Although Iran has denied the reports, MSN is insisting that "Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has effectively put bounties on the heads of Trump, his former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and ex-National Security Advisor John Bolton for their roles in the U.S. drone strike that eliminated the global Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani in 2020."

Target on Trump's back

It isn't just the liberals in America's federal government who feel threatened by Trump. Corrupt politicians all over the globe are worried that Donald Trump is going to start making them pay their fair share or otherwise expose how corrupt this world really is.

The MSN report describes the chilling details about how badly Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei wants to see Trump put in the ground:

Khamenei, has been described as being hell-bent on assassinating Trump since 2020 following the former president’s order to kill Soleimani in Iraq. In 2022, the Washington, D.C.-based Middle East Media Research Institute published an Iranian-produced animation video depicting the targeted assassination of Trump by the Islamic Republic that was uploaded to Khamenei’s official website.

Benham Ben Taleblue, a senior fellow for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, recently told Fox News "the Islamic Republic has used everything from lone-wolf radicals to terror proxies to even transnational criminal syndicates to carry out acts of terror, kidnapping, and assassination abroad over the past four decades across four continents."

"Rather than be made to pay a price for its evolving support for terrorism over the years, Tehran has learned that terrorism allows it a deniable military option that most states will ignore or treat as a law-enforcement matter. The regime has learned how to integrate this threat into its asymmetric arsenal, which also includes long-range strike capabilities, maritime harassment, and cyberattacks," he continued.

Threats from both home and abroad.

He's still kicking as of right now, but there's no question that this has been a very stressful and dangerous week for Donald Trump. Unless you've been living under a rock or are just coming out of a coma, you've already heard about the assassination attempt against Donald Trump that came just inches away from ending his life in front of America's eyes.

The Iranian plot to take Donald Trump's life has so far not been proven to have any connection to the bullets fired by Thomas Crooks in Butler, Pennsylvania. It's scary to think about how many different people want to see Trump hurt and realize how many different angles America has to be guarding to protect him.

Authorities are still looking into why Thomas Crooks fired at Donald Trump and killed one of the members of the crowd, but their investigation may be getting a little closer to discovering some useful information.

Although scouring the suspect's phone turned up exactly zero clues as to why Crooks was shooting at Donald Trump, investigators were recently able to break into his laptop and are now searching for possible motives there.

Not a ton is publicly known about Thomas Crooks right now, but information is slowly starting to come out. Recently, Trump's former classmate came out and described Crooks as being "quiet" and "kind." That doesn't mean Crooks didn't do it, but it does add another layer of mystery around the situation.

There are a lot of questions about Donald Trump's safety right now. Who was Thomas Crooks? Why did he want to kill the president? How was he able to get to his vantage point? Why didn't the Secret Service or police stop Thomas Crooks sooner? What is Iran capable of doing to Donald Trump? Will there be any evidence in the future that ties Iran to Thomas Crooks?

What do you think is the biggest threat facing Donald Trump right now? Is it his criminal trials, the assassination plots against him, or the upcoming election?

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson