Americans agree McConnell's health limiting his abilities in Congress

 August 9, 2023

The majority of Americans in a new survey agreed that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) health is limiting his ability in Congress.

McConnell, 81, has recently had multiple health concerns that have led to some calls for him to step down.

The details

"The survey, taken July 29 to August 1, 2023, among 1,500 U.S. adult citizens, asked respondents to gauge how much of an effect they believe the health and age of certain leaders affects their ability to fulfill their duties in the Senate, naming McConnell as one of the individuals in question," Breitbart News reported.

"Most, 51 percent, said they believe McConnell’s health and age 'severely' limit his ability to do his job in the upper chamber. Another 17 percent said they believe those factors have 'little' effect, and 26 percent are not sure. Just six percent said McConnell’s health and age have 'no effect at all,'" it added.

Recent issues

"Survey results come after McConnell, 81, recently froze up at a podium in the Capitol while speaking to reporters. While he has stayed relatively silent on the incident, one staffer claimed McConnell was only feeling lightheaded," Newsmax reported.

"Days later, McConnell was heckled by his constituents at St. Jerome Catholic Church's annual picnic in Fancy Farm, Kentucky. He refused to acknowledge the loud jeering while giving his speech," it continued.

Other health concerns

"Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, who froze during a news conference Wednesday and earlier this year suffered a concussion after falling down, has also endured two other falls this year, according to multiple people familiar with the matter," CNN reported.

"The first known time, in February, occurred in Finland when McConnell and a US delegation met with the Finnish president in Helsinki, according to three sources familiar with the matter," it added.

Despite the health challenges, McConnell has indicated that he has no plans to resign early from his role in the Senate.

In addition to McConnell, health concerns among aging lawmakers such as 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein are leading to some calls for age limits for Congress.

The survey shows the concerns Americans have over McConnell, with the issue possibly impacting voters in the days ahead.

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