Anti-Israel protesters surround White House, scale fence

 November 5, 2023

Anti-Israel protesters surrounded the White House on Saturday, including some climbing the White House fence.

Thousands of people chanted "intifada" and waved Palestinian flags outside of the president's home.

The scene

"Crowds of people swarmed in Freedom Plaza near the National Mall. Many had been bussed in my progressive groups and groups that specialize in advocacy for Arabs and those from the Middle East," the Post Millennial reported.

"Activists wore keffiyahs, carried signs, and chanted for the death of Israel. 'Biden, Biden, you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide,' they chanted," according to the report.

The damage

"One man was arrested for destruction of property around 5:30 p.m., according to DC cops. It is unclear what he was destroying," the New York Post reported.

"As the protesters began marching down the roadways of DC, many stopped outside the White House to yell for Biden to call for a ceasefire. Biden was at his Rehoboth Beach, Del., vacation home. Around 6:30 p.m., protesters were smearing red paint on the gates of the White House and chanting: 'Allahu akbar,' 'F–k Joe Biden,'" it added.

The Secret Service's response

"The U.S. Secret Service said everything was addressed without incident," Fox News reported.

"Demonstrators are beginning to disperse from the area and the attempted gate trespass from earlier was handled without incident by Secret Service Uniformed Division officers and support teams," Anthony Guglielmi, chief of communications for the Secret Service, said. "As of now, no arrests have been made by Secret Service personnel."

The protests are part of a growing number of events around the world demonstrating for a "free Palestine" following Hamas terror attacks on Israel on Oct. 7.

The attacks killed over 1,400 people, with Israel declaring war on the group. Israeli Defense Forces have since attacked targets in Gaza in their effort to stop Hamas from future attacks.

Protesters claim a cease-fire is required due to civilian casualties following the attacks from Hamas and support from Iranian-backed Hezbollah forces along Israel's northern border.

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