Anti-Trump DA Alvin Bragg reduces charges for career criminal

 April 16, 2023

According to Fox News, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has defended his decision to indict President Donald Trump by arguing that he "cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct."

 Yet critics say that is exactly what the anti-Trump prosecutor has done, with a stunning example coming earlier this month. 

Career criminal given a break by Bragg's office

The New York Post reported that 53-year-old career criminal Rodney Johnson was given a huge break by Bragg when his felony robbery charges were reduced to misdemeanors.

The Post noted that Bragg's move came despite Johnson having almost 90 prior arrests and two terms in state prison.

He was convicted of robbery in 1994 and grand larceny in 1998. What's more, Johnson was arrested in 2005 allegedly threatening to murder his then girlfriend.

One unnamed law enforcement source told the newspaper, "This guy has been breaking the law for 35 years. He’s been a one-man robbery spree preying on low-wage workers, then when the cops catch the guy, Bragg’s office downgrades the felon charges."

Johnson was accused of robbing two drug stores in one day

"All the while [Bragg] chases an indictment of the former president for paying a porn star. Priorities," the police officer added sarcastically.

According to the Post, Johnson's latest charges stem from incidents in late March at two separate New York City pharmacies.

Johnson is accused of entering a CVS at 8:20 a.m. on March 24 and stealing several items, including air freshener and detergent.

Just over four hours later, Johnson allegedly entered a Walgreens and threatened staff with pepper spray before making off with items.

While that resulted in charges of second and third-degree robbery, Bragg's office reduced them in April to misdemeanor menacing and petit larceny.

Republicans to hold hearing on Bragg's performance

Former Bronx prosecutor Mike Discioarro expressed bafflement at Johnson's treatment, telling the Post, "A major principle of our system is the more crimes you commit, the worse the punishment. How is this guy getting a deal? Should we tell people to commit more crimes to get a better deal?"

The Post noted that the House Judiciary Committee is planning to hold a special "field hearing" on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s performance.

Among those scheduled to testify is Joseph Borgen, a Jewish man who was savagely attacked in a 2021 antisemitic crime.

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