Barack Obama's daughter's childhood health diagnosis revealed

 October 17, 2023

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama recently revealed that their daughter Sasha was diagnosed with meningitis.

The diagnosis was first given when Sashas was just three months old.

Michelle speaks

"I will never forget. It was a day when, you know, one hour she was fine, she was normal, she was happy, doing everything I was used to her doing  and the next hour she was crying inconsolably, and that just wasn’t like her. And I did everything."," she said during an interview.

"I tried to do – tried to feed her, tried to rock her, tried to burp her. Finally, I just thought, I need to call my pediatrician," she continued.

Michelle 2024?

The former first lady continues to remain popular in the news as rumors swirl that she could potentially jump into the presidential race to replace President Joe Biden in 2024.

“In Aug. 2024 the Democrat kingmakers will jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama," Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz predicted.

“Barrack Obama is already running the Biden administration," he added.

Sasha now

Sasha is now grown up and recently made headlines with the Daily Mail.

"Sasha Obama was enjoying a peaceful weekend in Los Angeles as she soaked up the late summer sunshine with a book and a cigarette on Saturday," the outlet reported.

"The former first daughter was looking casual in an off-the-shoulder purple top and easy-fitting white trousers, blending in with other park-goers as she relaxed in a stripy fold-up chair," it noted.

The Obama family continues to make headlines in a variety of areas as part of their ongoing media empire influencing both culture and politics. From Michelle Obama's latest book and speeches to Barack Obama's influence in Washington, the former first family serves as a powerful force in American culture and Democratic politics.

The days ahead may offer yet more attention toward the Obama family as Barack and Michelle back the Biden administration's efforts for the president's reelection or perhaps pull a surprise move pushing forward Michelle as a contender herself in a switch that would rock the 2024 election and the president's future in Washington.

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Thomas Jefferson
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