Barron Trump's education has remained top parental priority

 December 17, 2023

Perhaps due to his mother's protective nature and devoted parenting style, not a great deal is known about the teenage son Melania Trump shares with former President Donald Trump, but one thing is clear -- his education has always been a top priority, with his parents sparing no expense, as Nikki Swift reveals.

Despite having moved to various parts of the country during his formative years, Barron Trump has always been enrolled in some of the most elite – and indeed costly – schools America has to offer.

Raising Barron

The youngest -- by a significant degree -- of Donald Trump's children, Barron Trump has always been something of an enigma in the sense that his privacy has always been carefully safeguarded, particularly by his mother.

Melania Trump did give a small glimpse into her son's personality, however, way back in 2021, when she told Parenting magazine, “He is a very strong-minded, very special, smart boy. He is independent and opinionated and knows exactly what he wants.”

“Sometimes I call him little Donald. He is a mixture of us in looks, but his personality is why I call him little Donald,” Mrs. Trump said at the time, and speaking to US Weekly in 2016, she made quite clear what her focus was, noting, “it's all about Barron's school and homework and after school programs.”

She also explained to ABC's George Stephanopoulos, “I keep him balanced and just [keep] his childhood as normal as possible, and he's enjoying his school and his sports. He's a great athlete.”

Elite institutions chosen

When it comes to ensuring the quality of Barron's educational experience, the Trumps have certainly put their money where their mouths are, sending him to some of the most exclusive schools in the nation.

Prior to his father's election to the White House, Barron Trump was a student at Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in Manhattan, and even after Inauguration Day, Melania Trump remained in New York with her son so that he could complete the remainder of the year.

Once the family was reunited in the nation's capital Barron enrolled at St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Maryland, an institution long favored by the families of high-ranking government officials, and which carried a price tag of $38,950 per year through middle school.

After his father left office, and the Trump family relocated to Palm Beach, Florida, news emerged that the first son would begin studies at the Oxbridge Academy.

Tuition at Oxbridge for the 2021-2022 school year came in at a substantial $34,800, but it has long been clear that when it comes to educating their son, money is no object for Mrs. and Mrs. Trump, and Barron is now poised to graduate from the elite institution in 2024.

“Tall” and “smart”

Though interactions between Donald and Barron Trump are rarely captured by the cameras, the former president has made no secret of the deep love and admiration he has for his son.

As the Daily Mail reported, at a speech back in April, Donald Trump made glowing remarks about his youngest child, saying of Barron that he is smart and “will do a good job,” noting, “he's certainly tall!”

He also noted the many trials and tribulations to which his children have been subjected over the course of his political career, saying, “They've gone through hell,” but given the unwavering support and educational advantages Barron has enjoyed over the years, there appears to be no limit to what he might accomplish in the years to come.

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