Bernie Sanders calls for DOJ investigation of Justice Clarence Thomas

 April 17, 2023

Weaponizing the justice system against political opponents is all the rage with Democrats these days. In the latest example, far-left socialist Bernie Sanders (Vt.) is calling on the Department of Justice to investigate Clarence Thomas for unspecified crimes.

Democrats have been hammering the Supreme Court justice for accepting hospitality from a wealthy friend, Republican donor Harlan Crow, without reporting it on financial disclosure forms.

There is no indication any exchange of favors took place, and Thomas has said he was advised early in his career that he didn't need to disclose gifts of hospitality from friends.

But that hasn't stopped Democrats from pouncing on the "scandal" to pressure Thomas and the conservative Supreme Court.

Clarence Thomas attacked

Sanders told Jen Psaki, who inked an MSNBC deal while working at the White House (speaking of conflicts of interest!), that Thomas' "outrageous" conduct warrants a federal probe.

"Some of what we are reading about in terms of Thomas is really quite outrageous, and I think it needs to be investigated," he said.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Ri.) is "on the right track" by calling for a DOJ probe, Sanders said, adding Supreme Court justices must be brought under strict oversight.

But Sanders demurred when asked if Thomas should be impeached, saying, "I think the first thing you want to do before you impeach somebody is investigate the situation, and I think that is what the Department of Justice should be doing.”

"Political hit job"

Thomas has been a recurring target of the left's wrath, going all the way back to his controversial confirmation hearing, when he faced accusations of sexual harassment he described as a "high-tech lynching for uppity blacks."

This latest "scandal" is obviously engineered to pressure Thomas to resign, or failing that, cast a cloud of doubt over the legitimacy of the conservative Supreme Court. Democrats have agitated to "reform" the court ever since they lost control of it during the Trump presidency.

Crow dismissed the latest attack on his friend as a "political hit job" meant to "destabilize the court."

As for Sanders, his effort to impugn Thomas' character is a bit ironic. Sanders is a millionaire and self-described socialist who, despite constantly demonizing the rich and successful, has defended massive profits from his book sales as a legitimate form of wealth creation.

“I didn’t know that it was a crime to write a good book which turns out to be a bestseller,” he said during his 2020 campaign.

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