Biden admin reconsidering controversial decision to remove violent group from terror list

 November 26, 2023

The Biden administration is reconsidering a controversial move to remove a group from the terror list after its recent attacks in the Middle East.

The Houthis have attacked both Israel and U.S. naval ships in recent weeks despite no longer being listed as a terror organization.

The group

"The Houthis, a Yemeni rebel group backed by the Iranians, has launched multiple attacks against Israel in a show of support for Hamas, which killed over 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped hundreds of others on Oct. 7," the Daily Caller reported.

"The Biden administration removed the Houthis (sometimes referred to as Ansarallah) from the Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list in 2021, at which point the group began ramping up its attacks both inside and outside Yemen, according to several observers," it added.

The Republican push

"Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) led 13 other Senate Republicans yesterday on a bill to re-impose the Yemeni militia group’s designation and sanction the Houthis, in response to the group’s continued attacks on Israel, a day after several Republicans sent a letter on the subject," the Jewish Insider reported on Nov. 3.

“They seem to have been much more active as a malign group and as an Iranian proxy since [the designation] was removed, so I think it’s certainly something that we should look into,” Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) told the outlet.

The White House's response

"White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby says the US has 'begun a review' of whether it should re-designate the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen as a terror organization following the group’s hijacking of an Israeli-tied ship in the Red Sea and the series of missile attacks it has launched at Israel since the outbreak of the war in Gaza," the Times of Israel reported.

"Kirby says the review was launched following 'recent targeting of civilians by the Houthis' and 'piracy of a ship in international waters," he noted.

The Houthi rebels have caused ongoing problems for Americans ships in the Red Sea, including taking down an American drone in recent weeks.

The terrorists are now also responsible for taking over another ship and kidnapping its passengers, adding to its crimes in the region.

The Biden administration may be taking its time to decide but it's clear that the Houthis are involved in terror actions against multiple nations.


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