Biden administration drops proposed gas stove ban

 January 30, 2024

Americans were outraged last February after the Department of Energy (DOE) put forward new rules which would have effectively banned roughly half of all gas stoves.

Protests against the Biden administration's move appear to have been vindicated, as the proposed ban has since been reversed. 

Watered-down appliance rule has been finalized

According to the Washington Examiner, the DOE announced on Monday that it has finalized a watered-down set of efficiency standards for household appliances.

The final rule will only impact 3% of gas stoves and another 23% of electric ones, with the vast majority of models remaining available.

Jennifer Granholm serves as secretary of energy, and she released a statement on the change in a post on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter.

"DOE is dedicated to working together with our industry partners and stakeholders throughout 2024 to continue strengthening appliance standards, addressing a backlog of Congressionally-mandated energy efficiency actions that is delaying a projected $1 trillion in consumer savings from reaching the American people," Granholm declared.

Republicans led fight against stove ban

Last year's initial proposal was met with loud condemnation from Republican lawmakers, including Washington Rep. Dan Newhouse.

"The American people deserve full transparency from government bureaucrats for any action they take, particularly when it’s about overreaching, out-of-touch, and elitist regulations that would have detrimental effects on nearly 187 million Americans," Newhouse told Fox News.

"Gas stoves provide Americans with choice, affordability, and reliability," the conservative congressman pointed out.

"The Biden Administration has made their priorities clear with their proposed rule to strip away more than half of gas stoves from the marketplace," he complained.

State and local leaders still targeting stoves

However, gas stoves continue to be under attack from some blue states such as New York, which imposed a ban on gas stoves in new home construction.

Meanwhile, Fox News reported last week that Chicago Alderwoman Maria Hadden has proposed new emission standards that gas stoves cannot meet.

"This is a matter of real survival and the future of our city — and especially our economic future," Hadden was quoted as telling the Chicago Tribune.

"We’re being forced in this direction by nature, but also by policy and by business and industry," the local official insisted.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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