Biden administration pledges to work more closely with China on climate change

 November 17, 2023

The Washington Examiner reported this week that the U.S. and Chinese governments agreed to cooperate on climate change policies.

However, critics say the news is just one more example of the Biden administration bowing down to China at America's expense.

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According to the paper, China and the United States will revive a working group, which was suspended after then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a controversial visit to Taiwan last year.

A statement released by the two countries also looked forward to the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28) which is set to begin in Dubai later this month.

"Both countries stress the importance of COP 28 in responding meaningfully to the climate crisis during this critical decade and beyond," it declared.

The statement also vowed that the U.S. and China will "rise up to one of the greatest challenges of our time for present and future generations of humankind."

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Those efforts are said to include pursuing alternatives to coal, oil, and gas as well as developing methane gas reduction targets.

Yet as the Examiner pointed out, China is estimated to put out approximately 12.7 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year and has recently approved the construction of new coal power plants.

The statement was released before a scheduled face-to-face meeting between Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco.

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News of the pledge was met with criticism from Republicans, including California Rep. Ken Calvert, who complained that Biden's policies "benefit China and spike energy prices for Americans."

"The problem with making agreements with China is only one side actually keeps them, to the detriment of everyday Americans who suffer under increased regulation and taxation," Calvert wrote in a recent op-ed piece for Fox News.

"Time and time again, the Biden administration is more than willing to look the other way for short-term policy concessions at the expense of the American people," he continued.

"History has shown us that a diplomatic strategy of appeasement is destined to fail and poses a serious threat to our economic and national security," the lawmaker went on to insist.

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