Biden administration proposes tough new rules on water heaters

 July 24, 2023

In a move sure to leave many Americans reeling, the Biden administration has proposed a new crackdown on water heaters. 

On Friday, the Department of Energy (DOE) put out a press release announcing new energy efficiency standards for residential water heaters that it would like to see implemented by 2029.

Administration says rule will save money and fight climate change

This includes mandating that electric water heaters achieve efficiency gains via the use of  heat pumps while requiring gas-fired instantaneous water heaters to make use of condensing technology.

The DOE claims that those changes "are expected to save Americans approximately $198 billion and reduce 501 million metric tons of harmful carbon dioxide emissions cumulatively over 30 years."

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm hailed the move, stating, "Today’s actions—together with our industry partners and stakeholders—improve outdated efficiency standards for common household appliances, which is essential to slashing utility bills for American families and cutting harmful carbon emissions."

"This proposal reinforces the trajectory of consumer savings that forms the key pillar of Bidenomics and builds on the unprecedented actions already taken by this Administration to lower energy costs for working families across the nation," she continued.

Rep. Thomas Massie: "Leave us alone"

However, Breitbart noted that not everyone is onboard with the proposal, with its critics including Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie.

"Leave us alone," Massie wrote in a tweet, adding, "These products already exist in the free market. Consumers should decide whether the upfront cost of a heat-pump water heater is worth the possible long term savings."

"In many cases, the monthly savings never make up for the upfront cost of the equipment," the conservative lawmaker went on to assert.

Water heaters are not the only household appliance to come under scrutiny in recent months, as Democrats have also taken aim at gas stoves.

Fox News reported in March that New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul lent her support to a budget provision which would outlaw the inclusion of gas stoves and other gas-power in most new construction projects.

New York becomes first state to ban gas-powered appliances

The network noted that the provision was passed a month later, making New York the first state to implement such a ban.

"Everyone knows we've seen the effects of climate change — the storms, the hurricanes coming to New York, record snow amounts. We're seeing the effects every single day," Hochul was quoted as saying.

"Our budget prioritizes nation-leading climate action that meets this moment with ambition and the commitment it demands," she continued.


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