Biden admits he's a 'dull' president, only know for ice cream and his sunglasses

 April 22, 2023

It's no secret by now that President Joe Biden is simply too frail, both cognitively and physically, to be the leader of the free world. 

According to the Washington Examiner, he even recently joked about his increasingly dulling demeanor, which undoubtedly sent his 2024 campaign team and the White House into utter panic.

While he didn't admit to being compromised physically or mentally, he told reporters that he feels like he's only known for two things, ice cream and Ray Bans sunglasses.

Biden made the remarks recently at the White House Rose Garden for an executive order signing ceremony in which he directed all federal agencies to focus on "environmental justice," whatever malarkey that is.

What did he say?

Biden often attempts jokes that simply don't land, and this particular one was especially cringe-worthy for anyone watching, even if they can't admit it out loud.

"I'm sure you all loved sitting in the sun here, but it could be worse. It could be raining. It's a beautiful day. And as that old phrase used to go, 'it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.' And it is beautiful. Excuse me — I'm putting on my sunglasses so I can see," the president told the gathered crowd at the White House.

He added: "As I've told my distinguished friend from Massachusetts — a good friend, Sen. Markey — it's really very, very dull when after all these years in public life, you're known for two things: Ray-Ban sunglasses and chocolate chip ice cream. Very dull president."

The Examiner noted:

His order creates a White House Office of Environmental Justice to “better protect overburdened communities from pollution and environmental harms" and claims that “racism is a fundamental driver of environmental injustice.”

Bidend was called out on social media for the executive order, given that it's for a controversial issue that ranks at the bottom of any average Americans' priority list, if it even makes the list at all.

What about 2024?

In recent days, reports have emerged that the 46th president will formally declare his intentions for 2024 in the coming weeks, perhaps even this week, the Guardian reported.

The outlet noted:

The president has long and clearly signalled that he intends to seek re-election. Last week, he said he would launch his campaign “relatively soon”.

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump has surged in his polling numbers, beating Biden head-on in most hypothetical matchups.

Only time will tell if Biden actually follows through with a 2024 run. Many find it difficult to believe he has even a fraction of the mental and physical fortitude required for such an intensive campaign.

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