Biden allows record 3.2M illegal immigrant to enter US, including 169 terror suspects

 October 22, 2023

The Biden administration allowed 3.2 million migrants across the border over the last fiscal year, a record in the nation's history.

The number included 169 terror suspects, by far the highest recorded by the government.

The details

"Border Patrol agents detected 2.1 million illegal immigrants, which was down slightly from 2020, when it reported 2.2 million. But the real action was at official ports of entry — land border crossings and, increasingly, airports, where officers encountered 1.1 million unauthorized migrants," the Washington Times reported.

“CBP will continue to remain vigilant, making operational adjustments as necessary and enforcing consequences under U.S. immigration law,” Troy Miller, acting commissioner at CBP, said in a statement on Saturday.

The concern

“Once again, the Biden administration has the distinction of setting a record—unfortunately, it’s historically bad,” Simon Hankinson, a senior research fellow for The Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center, told The Daily Signal, which is Heritage’s news outlet.

“September saw the highest number of inadmissible aliens ever to cross our borders,” Hankinson said, referring to the 341,392 for the month reported Saturday by CPB. “September is yet another bleak milestone in U.S. history and the annals of governmental incompetence.”

Still going

The numbers continue to show concern as October started the new fiscal year for the agency.

"In the first two weeks of this fiscal year, the CBP sources told Fox News that agents have apprehended more than 30 Iranians, nearly 60 Syrians, 35 Pakistanis, more than 100 Russians, 285 Afghans and nearly 2,000 Chinese migrants at the southern border," Fox News reported.

The border crisis is not only an immigration concern but a growing national security issue, leaving many Americans concerned.

This issue is now an even greater threat following Hamas terror attacks on Israel, with Iran threatening the U.S. for its support of Israel.

The border is certainly far from secure but so far no major changes have taken place to change the situation.

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