Biden appointee revealed to have Chinese government ties

 February 21, 2023

According to The Daily Caller, a man who was appointed by President Joe Biden to represent the U.S. at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has disturbing ties to China's government. 

Dominic Ng is CEO of the East West Bank, and a spokesman for the company confirmed that Ng once served at an "executive-director level" with the China Overseas Exchange Association (COEA).

Chinese front group?

The Daily Caller pointed out that "an archived version of COEA’s website from February 12, 2014, prominently features Ng meeting in Beijing with COEA’s former 'chairman,' Han Qide."

What's more, the Daily Caller noted that COEA is widely considered by experts to be "a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence front group."

One of those experts is Ina Mitchell, who co-authored  "The Mosaic Effect: How The Chinese Communist Party Started A War In America’s Backyard."

"American law and policy makers need to stand firm against candidates who have known associations with the COEA or COFA because it’s a part of the CCP’s UFWD (United Front Work Department) which is responsible for coordinating domestic and foreign influence operations through propaganda and manipulation," Mitchell told the Daily Caller.

GOP reps send letter to FBI director about Ng

The confirmation of Ng's CCP connections comes in the wake of a letter that Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden and five other members of Congress sent to FBI Director Christopher Wray earlier this month.

"We request the FBI investigate and provide a report to Congress on the extent of Mr. Ng’s knowledge of sensitive information, as well as any potential violations of The Espionage Act," the lawmakers stated.

"China has proved themselves as our greatest adversary and foreign competitor, and yet our leaders continuously jeopardize U.S. national security by allowing the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to infiltrate our third-party sector and federal government," they continued.

"This lack of scrutiny should be promptly evaluated, and the Biden Administration should take immediate steps to ensure blunders like this will not happen again," the lawmakers declared.

Calls for Ng to step down

They concluded by saying, "Communist China is creating and operating front organizations in the U.S. that are designed to influence events, businesses and leaders throughout our nation, and their mission is proving successful."

Meanwhile, Gooden told the Daily Caller on Monday that "[a]n individual with ties to Chinese intelligence front groups should be disqualified from public office."

Gooden then demanded Ng's resignation, insisting that the appointee should "step down until an investigation has time to occur."

The Daily Caller asserted that neither APEC, East West Bank, nor Ng responded to its "multiple requests" for comment.

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