Biden campaign considering joining TikTok to capture young voters

 November 18, 2023

President Joe Biden's 2024 presidential campaign is looking dire, and the campaign team is now considering moves that evidence its despair. 

According to Fox News, just months after banning TikTok from federal devices, the Biden campaign is reportedly weighing the idea of joining the app in an effort to reach younger voters, who will be critical in what's expected to be a close presidential race next year.

Biden's polling overall is looking grim, and it's clear the administration is looking for any boost it can get.

TikTok has been the subject of controversy for years, as it's a China-linked app that many believe is a spying tool for the communist nation.

What's happening?

Democrats have increasingly gravitated to using TikTok, as it reaches not only a large, younger audience, but other ages of politically inclined demographics. The platform provides them with unbelievable reach and the ability to quickly make content go viral.

Fox News noted the security concerns of a presidential candidate using the platform for its campaign.

However, the president's campaign joining the Beijing-based social media platform could present unique security risks for Biden.

Most notably, the Chinese Communist Party's cybersecurity law allows government authorities to access companies' data.

A spokesperson for the campaign noted in a social media post that the news was "not a scoop," and downplayed the significance of the potential move.

"Lol this is not a scoop. Campaigns talk about a bunch of stuff and some we do and a bunch we don’t. Something some outlets who know better choose to ignore for cLicKs. If we have news to share we’ll let yall know!" spokesperson TJ Ducklo wrote.

However, the news sparked immediate backlash from many Republicans, who have campaigned against TikTok, and especially the wake of a recent "letter" shared across the platform, written by Osama bin Laden, which blamed America for the 9/11 attacks.


Social media exploded in the wake of the news.

TikTok eventually responded to the viral letter spreading across its platform, and took it down.

"Content promoting this letter clearly violates our rules on supporting any form of terrorism. We are proactively and aggressively removing this content and investigating how it got onto our platform," TikTok said in a statement.

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