Biden DOJ pushes for heavy sentence against pro-life demonstration organizer

 May 15, 2024

Since he entered office, the White House has made showing support for abortion a key part of President Joe Biden's legacy.

That fact was on display this week when a pro-life activist was sentenced to nearly five years in prison for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FAC) Act.

Prosecutors sought a six-year sentence

According to the Associated Press, 30-year-old Lauren Handy organized a blockade in 2020 of Washington, D.C.'s Surgi-Clinic, a facility which aborts babies at up to 27 weeks.

"Her strongly held anti-abortion beliefs led her to devise a plan to block access to the Surgi-clinic," prosecutors wrote in a sentencing memorandum.

"The blockade, which was broadcast to Handy's legion of followers, encouraged others to commit similar crimes, publicized her own offense, and traumatized the victims," they continued, arguing that Handy should receive a six year sentence.

Meanwhile, Handy defense attorneys said their client wanted to "to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and to empower those who do not feel that they have any power."

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Interestingly, the Biden administration's push to crack down on pro-life advocates contrasts sharply with the way it has treated participants in the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020.

One example is Montez Terriel Lee Jr., who set fire to a Minneapolis pawnshop and caused the death of 30-year-old Oscar Lee Stewart.

Fox News noted that although federal guidelines suggested that Lee should be sentenced to 20 years behind bars, prosecutors only asked that he be incarcerated for 12.

That fact came to the attention of Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy, who sent a letter of protest  to the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2022.

As Fox News pointed out, Roy complained that the DOJ's sentencing brief "read exactly like the defense lawyers' brief" in that it asked for leniency due to Lee feeling "angry, frustrated, and disenfranchised" following George Floyd's death.

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"It would appear that Mr. Lee is enjoying the benefits of kid-gloved, preferential treatment in this case because he committed violence in furtherance of the preferred political views of your office and the current administration," Roy complained.

Nor was Roy the only lawmaker to voice outrage over Lee's treatment, as Fox News reported that Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley did so as well.

He asserted in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland that "the toxic ideology of critical race theory has spread through the" DOJ.

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Thomas Jefferson
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