Biden ‘harbors resentment’ for being squeezed out of 2024 race and will skip Obama’s DNC speech

 August 16, 2024

President Joe Biden's decline within the Democrat party continues, and rumors swirl about his working relationship with his former running mate, former President Barack Obama.

However, as time marches on and the aging head of the party is faced with the cold hard polling data that it was his time to exit stage left (or whatever exit he can find), it appears he's facing this departure with the same class his administration has exercised from the start, as The Independent reported.

A new story claims that President Joe Biden and several party leaders are still emotionally scarred from the weeks of Democratic infighting that preceded his decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential run.

A source close to Biden told POLITICO that the president harbors some resentment toward former president Barack Obama, who he claims privately voiced concerns about his inability to defeat Donald Trump in November, but did not advise him to withdraw from the campaign.

A Clear Offense

One might think that the Octiginarian wouldn't be one to hold grudges though, particularly not against the man who he served in the White House with for eight years. However, that does not seem to be the case.

According to POLITICO, Biden will not remain at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago to hear Obama's speech on Tuesday following the president's presentation on Monday night.

It has been reported that Biden is also unhappy with the part that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer played in attempting to get him to withdraw from the race. However, reports indicate that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the main target of the president's ire.

After Biden's terrible performance in the presidential debate, Pelosi began to publicly shift her support away from him. Pelosi started to discreetly suggest in appearances with MSNBC over the tense weeks that she was beginning to doubt Biden's ability.

More Mistrust

Rumor has it that Pelosi was secretly working to craft the Democratic party's consensus that Biden should not challenge Trump for the presidency.

Many in Pelosi's party hold her opinion in high regard because she is a senior member of the Democratic Party and because she is mainly remembered for opposing Trump while he was in office.

A senior White House official said POLITICO that Biden believed Pelosi played a "ruthless" role.

Evidence of a Rift

Scuttlebutt from inside the beltway is that she was ready to put their long-standing relationship aside to ensure the dominance of the Democratic Party in the presidential contest,

Since Biden announced his withdrawal and endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate, he has reportedly not communicated with Pelosi.

Both politicians' interview remarks leave a trail that suggests their relationship is strained.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson