Biden Justice Department criticized for 'targeting political opponents'

 May 25, 2024

The U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) Office of Inspector General (OIG) is a sham.

This is according to a new report from Fox News.

The outlet writes, "[R]ecent reporting and documents reviewed by Fox News Digital reveal that some OIG personnel, including ones responsible for overseeing investigations into Trump administration political appointees, appear to have partisan bias."

If true, then this would confirm what former President Donald Trump has been saying all along.

Some background

For those unfamiliar with the OIG, it claims to be an "independent entity."

Its website states:

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is a statutorily created independent entity whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in the Department of Justice, and to promote economy and efficiency in the Department’s operations. The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, reports to the Attorney General and Congress.

The current inspector general - Michael Horowitz - was installed in 2012, during the presidency of Barack Obama.

This demonstrates the fact that, unlike other areas of the federal government, there is not much employee turnover here - not even when the administration changes.

This could be a good thing if the agency really was as "objective" and "independent" as it claims to be, but Fox's report suggests that it is not.

Here's the proof:

To support its claim, Fox takes a closer look at some of the employees in the OIG.

"According to documents reviewed by Fox News Digital, one OIG attorney, Deborah Falk Zerwitz, has donated 35 times to Democrats or Democrat-linked entities since 2007, totaling $6,466," the outlet reports.

Not only that, but it appears that she has frequently lashed out against Republicans - especially Trump affiliates and supporters. Fox reports, "She also 'liked' posts that referenced 'Trump and his racist homophobic cult members,' and one that read 'Attention QANON, MAGAT Fascists,' and ended with, 'SO F--- OFF.'"

Fox also calls attention to Christina Monta, a former OIG counsel who, "according to FEC data, made several contributions to ActBlue and Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Senate campaign, totaling $1,014.50 between 2019 and 2020." Monta also has quite a biased resume.

The OIG, in response to Fox's report, released a statement claiming that these are simply the private views of some of their employees. This statement, however, assumes that these employees can put these biases aside during their day jobs. Given the deep-seated nature of the biases, this is hard to believe.

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