Biden offers sarcastic take on Trump mugshot, calls rival a 'handsome guy'

 August 27, 2023

A jailhouse mugshot taken of former President Donald Trump this week sent shockwaves throughout the world, and when asked to comment on the instantly iconic image, President Joe Biden snidely labeled his political nemesis a “handsome guy,” as Fox News reports.

The mugshot came into existence Thursday evening when Trump surrendered to the Fulton County jail in Georgia on charges related to his conduct in the wake of the 2020 presidential election.

Snarky takes abound

The current president and those involved with his reelection campaign have taken great apparent delight in the legal troubles Trump is facing.

Just as Trump was being booked and fingerprinted on Thursday night, Biden's campaign posted a fundraising pitch that read, “Apropos of nothing, I think today's a great day to give to my campaign.”

The Democrats' glee did not stop there, as was evidenced by Biden's response to reporters who asked whether he had personally seen the aforementioned mugshot while on vacation in Lake Tahoe.

As USA Today noted, Biden replied, “I did see it on television,” and sarcastically declared Trump a “handsome guy, wonderful guy.”

Liberal laughter

The president and his close advisors were not the only ones exulting in Trump's misfortune, with a number of liberal voices taking to X (formerly known as Twitter) to express their delight.

Former Ohio Democratic congressional candidate Shannon Freshour opined of Biden's quip, “The ice cold shade delivered by POTUS co[u]ld single handedly alter the climate change trajectory.”

Platform user Nancy Martin wrote admiringly of Biden's remarks, “Parody him, laugh at him, make jokes about him...revive the Obama remarks at the journalists' dinner....LAUGH and ridicule him off the sta[g]e... perfect response.”

Poster @VladaKnowlton was even more succinct in her reaction, stating, “Dark Brandon delivers," referencing a tough-guy nickname for Biden that has gained popularity in Democrat circles.

Balanced by boos

Though fans on the left attempted to paint Biden's dig at Trump as some kind of tour de force, the reality on the ground in Lake Tahoe was not quite so gratifying, as Fox News noted separately.

As Biden made his way toward members of the press for the exchange which included his joke about Trump's mugshot, the audible sound of booing could be heard from those assembled nearby – something that looked to have caught the president by unpleasant surprise.

At one point, Biden's efforts to discuss economic issues with reporters were drowned out by the jeers, providing a stark counterpoint to the cocky attitude the president demonstrated with regard to his main political rival.

Reaction on the right to the booing was swift and sure, with GOP Rapid Response director Jake Schneider musing, “The best part is the look on his face when he hears it” and Fox News contributor Liz Peek echoing the sentiments surely felt by millions of Americans by saying,” Good – he deserves it.”

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